
Aleph Tav in Ancient Hebrew Purpose Modern-Hebrew from Right to Left

Shabbat, a treasure and a precious gift! שבת שלום 

  Exo 31:17  (安息日)是我和以色列人永遠的證據【印记/盖章】因為六日之內【雅吾瓦】造天地,第七日便安息舒暢。

Exo 31:18  【雅吾瓦】在西乃山和摩西說完了話,就把兩塊法版交給他,至高全能者用指頭寫的石版。 



4Q41 contains a section of a Torah Scroll which contains the 10 commandments from Deuteronomy 5 completely intact. It is a national treasure and a treasure to all of us who value these commandments. When it comes to the Sabbath command it is unlike any other scroll I have ever encountered.

I am often asked "what are the differences you have found in the Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS) as compared to our modern-day texts”? This scroll is an excellent example of some of the differences we find in the DSS. 

Within our modern texts we find a slight difference between the 10 commandments from Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. These differences are within the command for Shabbat.

In Exodus 20:8-11, we are instructed to "
זכור (Zachor) REMEMBER the day of Shabbat to keep it Sanctified/Holy/Set Apart. We are also given a specific reason by the Almighty for resting on this day: "For in six days YHVH made heaven and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day; and so YHVH blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it”. We are instructed to rest because YHVH rested and set the Sabbath apart. 

In Deuteronomy 5:12-15 we are told "
שמור (Shamor) GUARD/OBSERVE the day of the Shabbat. In the first account we were only required to Remember this day to set it apart. In this second account we are now required to do more than just remember, but to guard it and observe it as set apart. This day has now become a part of our lives and it is our responsibility to preserve. Additionally, we are given an alternate reason to observe the day of Shabbat: "remember that you were a servant in the land of Egypt, and YHVH Eloheeka brought you out with a mighty hand and by a stretched-outarm; therefore, YHVH Eloheeka instructed you to keep the day of the Sabbath”. We observe this day because we were once slaves and have now been given the freedom to rest on this day. 

The difference, and I might add the beauty, we see in 4Q41 is unlike any other we have seen before! It is here stated that we observe the day of Shabbat because we were once slaves and have now been made free BUT ALSO because YHVH rested on this day and set it apart! It makes sense that a second giving of the instruction would have increased meaning, not just to remember but to observe, and not just because YHVH rested but also because He made us free from bondage! 

Not only is this fragment a treasure and a gift, but this sanctified day of rest, this seventh day, is also a treasure and a precious gift!

Written By Tim Puzak DDS Translator 

 It was the "cheirographon”, the handwritten record of debt (sins with their penalties) to Elohim’s law that was "nailed to Messiah’s Stake”.



都被"钉在弥赛雅的木头上了。 G4716 Σταυρός stauros a stake or post (as set upright),原文指:直立的木桐/木头。 

歌罗西 Col 2:13  你們從前在過犯未受割禮的肉體中死了至高全能者赦免了你們(或作:我們)一切過犯,便叫你們與弥赛雅一同活過來

歌罗西Col 2:14  又塗抹了在律例上所寫攻擊我們有礙於我們的字據把他撤去,木头上。G4716 Σταυρός stauros a stake or post (as set upright),原文指:直立的木桐/木头。


 שבת שלום 安息日平安













在出埃及记208-11中,我们被吩咐说:"记得Rememberזכור  Zachor H2142 -


Exo 20:8   「當記念זכור  Zachor安息日,守為聖日。

Exo 20:9      六日要勞碌做你一切的工,

Exo 20:10    但第七日是向【雅吾瓦至高全能者當守的安息日。


Exo 20:11    因為六日之內,雅吾瓦】造天、地、海,和其中的萬物,第七日便安息,



208  當記念安息日,守為聖日。   

在申命记 512-15中,我们被告知"安息日(שמור Shamor)须捍卫/守护安息日

在第一个记载中,我们只需要"记住 זכור  Zachor 这一天就可以分别为圣。

在这第二个记载中,我们现在需要做的不仅仅是记住,而且是שמור Shamor要保护它并遵守祂


Deu 5:14  但第七日是向【雅吾瓦】至高全能者當守(捍卫שמור Shamor的安息日。


Deu5:15  你也要記念你在埃及地作過奴僕;雅吾瓦】至高全能者用大能的手和伸出來的膀臂將你從那裡領出來。


不同的是,我在这里发现这个卷轴4Q41的最美丽之处是,我们在4Q41看到的是不像以前见过的任何其他卷轴!这里指出,我们观察(守护)安息日那一天,不但是因为我们曾经是奴隶,现在已经被释放了,同时也是因为【雅吾瓦】在这一天安息了,把祂分别为圣了!这是非常有深意的有道理的,这第二次10诫的给予在教导上已增加了新意义,不仅是要"记住” "纪念”,而且要专注关注守卫保护祂;因为这不仅仅是因为【雅吾瓦】在这一天"安息”了,并且也是在宣告祂使我们脱离了奴仆身份的捆绑与束缚!哈利路【雅】。

  一份关於这死海古卷4Q41的发现不仅仅是一个宝藏和一份礼物,更是关於第七天的安息日的启示和真理,是一份来自上天来的宝藏,是一份天父赐给祂所亲爱的子民们极其珍贵的礼物!שבת שלום  Shabbat Shalom

撰写人:Tim Puzak 死海古卷DDS 翻译员


出 Exo 31:17  這是我和以色列人永遠的證據;因為六日之內【雅吾瓦】造天地,第七日便安息舒暢。」 

出Exo 31:18  【雅吾瓦】在西乃山和摩西說完了話,就把兩塊法版交給他,是至高全能者用指頭寫的石版。 



ShABBAt SABBAth,阿爸ABBA在当中。哈利路【雅】。




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