
Aleph Tav in Ancient Hebrew
Modern-Hebrew from Right to Left
BENEFITS OF PerfectGiftOrg.com (PGO) MEMBERSHIP 成為完美禮物私人會員的好處
Excerpt from: So . . . What of Sin‚ and what of the Righteousness of Aloahiym‚ April 30‚ 2016‚ www.man–child.com 摘錄自:《那麼 。 。 什麼是罪,什麼是Aloahiym至高全能者的公義》2016年4月30日,www.man-child.com
Aloahiym is Light [1 John 1:5]. Creation is a function of Aloahiym for His pleasure [Gen 1:31; Psalm 104:30–31; 103:21; Rev 4:11; others]; Aloahiym is NOT a function of Creation. What brings Aloahiym pleasure?全能上帝是光[1约1:5]. 創造是出自祂的歡喜高興。[創1:31; 詩篇104:30-31; 103:21; 啟4:11; 以及其他];并不是為了表現祂創作的才能。到底是什麼能给Alohiym 至高全能者帶來極大的歡喜?
For each and every believer to be and remain in His perfect Will [Rom 12:2; Heb 13:21; others]. . . (His Perfect Light) and to live according to His Righteousness [1 Chron 29:17; Psalm 35:27; 103:21; Eph 1:5; Phil 2:13; Matt 6:31–34; others]‚ consciously abiding in His Light [Psalm 27: 1–5; 36:9; John 3:21; 1 John 2:6; 4:17; Col 2:6‚ 9–10; others]; necessarily having a perfect hatred [Psalm 139: 21–22: Matt 12:30] for anything that exalts itself against YAHUWAH Aloahiym‚ the self–existent Almighty Creator Father of Light [James 1:17; Matt 12:25‚ 30; Luke 10:16; Jude 1:6]‚ with each and every living individual [John 3:16] knowing and affirming that YAHUWAH’S Light (Light = Ruach ha Qodesh = Righteousness = Truth) comprises their respective spirit [Gen 1:27; 2:7; Prov 20:27; John 3:6; 6:63; others].就是每一個信徒能够進入和持續留駐在YHWH【雅吾瓦】的完美旨意裡。[羅馬書12:2; 希伯來書13:21; 以及其他]。。(祂完美的光里),並按照祂的公義生活。[1 歷代29:17; 詩篇35:27; 103:21; 弗1:5; 菲爾2:13; 馬太福音6:31-34; 以及其他]。有意識地遵守祂的光照[詩篇27:1-5; 36:9; 約翰福音3:21; 約翰一書2:6; 4:17; 歌林2:6,9-10; 以及其他];必然會產生對不義"全然”的恨惡[詩篇139:21-22:馬太福音12:30]棄絕所有任何為"自我而著迷”的事情,即所有"全然”敵擋至高全能者【雅吾瓦】YAHUWAH Aloahiym,(自有永有者)全能創造者之光的事情![雅各書1:17; 馬太福音12:25,30; 路加福音10:16; 猶大1:6],以致每一個存活着的信徒,[約翰福音3:16]從內心深處,知道和肯定全能創造者【雅吾瓦】YHWH(就是光=分別為聖的靈=公義=真理)。
Thus‚ for every living soul on the face of the planet‚ the battle of the Light of YAHUWAH Aloahiym against the darkness of Satan . . . is front and center in the life of man‚ and yet is perhaps the most difficult and elusive to grasp. [See Ezek 33:31; Luke 10:38–42; Mark 4:2–20].因此,對於地球上每一個活著的靈魂,YHWH【雅吾瓦】全能創造者上帝的光與撒旦的黑暗之戰。 。 。 也許是每一個人的生命中最眼前最緊要最中心,同時也是最困難和最難以捉摸掌握到的事件。[見以西結書33:31; 路加福音10:38-42; 馬可福音4:2-20]。
Upon enrolling in PerfectGiftOrg.com (PGO) you receive the following: 註冊成為PGO完美禮物私有會員後,您將會得到下列的好處:
- Spiritual Rejuvenation: 屬靈的更新與復興
First and foremost‚ a continuum of experiences wherein the Light of YAHUWAH is moving in‚ through‚ and around each PGO Member’s spirit‚ soul‚ and body resulting in:首先,YHWH雅吾瓦的光在每位PGO成員身心靈的深處,持續的觸摸,移動,通過和圍繞,以致日新又新的:
- A rejuvenation of their spirit 持續屬靈更新與復興
- Illumination of their respective soul 照亮他們各自的靈魂
- Restoration of perfect health in their respective bodies恢復各自身體達到完全的健康
This continuum occurs on an ongoing basis‚ subject to the condition and motives of each PGO Member’s heart [2 Chron 16:9; Prov 24:12; Jer 33:3; Heb 4:12; 1 Cor 4:5; others]. Pursuant to the advent and initial experience of this continuum‚ life in the natural (in this world) with the everlasting and Almighty shalom of YAHUWAH [Phil 4:7; 2 Pet 1:4; Col 1: 12–13; Rev 22:17] is . . . never‚ ever the same.這個屬靈日新又新的經歷是根據每位PGO會員心靈的條件和動機,周而復始持續性發生的[2 Chron 16:9; 箴24:12; 耶利米33:3; 希伯來書4:12; 哥林多前書4:5; 以及其他]。從初步體驗到連續不斷的經驗著:我們自然界的(屬於在這個世界上)的生命與永恆全能者超乎一切的平安SHALON緊密的交流著[雅各福音4:7; 彼得前書1:4 ; 列1:12-13; 啟22:17]我們的生命。 。 。從此再也不會一樣了。
- Prayer Support:禱告支持
Prayer Support and Intercession 24/7 by experienced veterans of service to YAHUWAH Aloahiym 由經驗豐富的YHWH 雅吾瓦後備大軍24/7為PGO會員代禱服務
PGO Community Support: 完美禮物成員間團體性的支援:Online platform and Bulletin Board to share‚ submit‚ and/or publish PGO Private Member testimonies in connection with YAHUWAH’s Berakoth (English: Blessings) 提供在線平台和公告板上的分享,提交和/或發布有關的PGO私人會員的見證,彼此祝福。
Spiritual Guidance and Support:屬靈原则指導和支持:Personal instruction and counseling on how to enter into YAHUWAH Aloahiym’s Light and remain there [John 10:10; 14:15] 給予個別指導和陪同如何進入創造主YHWH雅吾瓦的光中,並留駐在那裡 [約翰福音10:10;14:15]
- Experiencing Wealth Transfer in MessiyAH : 在弥赛雅里经历到財富翻转的见证: Many advantages in MessiYAH which will lead us to freedom from the bondage of debt and economic oppression‚ and achieve financial independence . . . without stress or financial risk在沒有財務的風險与壓力下。,帮助免除債務和解除經濟壓迫的束縛以及取得經濟獨立的許多生活中的優勢。。。 Complete devotion and unsurpassed commitment to the Righteousness of YAHUWAH Aloahiym in all matters of life‚ including the conduct of business and financial affairs我們對於創造主YHWH 【雅吾瓦】 的公義與國度的全面投入和無與倫比的委身,這包括了我們全人所有的生活事務,商業和財務事務當然也包括在內。
- Power to Create Wealth:創造財富的力量:
To maximize the power of giving to others by having the power to give: spiritually and financially [2 Cor 9: 8–11; Deut 8:18; 28: 1–13; 3 John 1:2] 在最大程度上使用至高全能者给予我们的,有能力在精神上和財物上"給予他人”帮助他人的權利与能力 [2] 9:8-11; 申命記8:18; 28:1-13; 約翰一書1:2]
- Realizing Real Prosperity as the Soul Prospers [3 John 1:2] 實現真正的昌盛繁榮正如靈魂昌盛一樣[約翰一書1:2]
To allow anyone and everyone who is willing‚ to move from a life of deprivation to a life of prosperity in keeping with the Perfect Will (Perfect Light) of Aloahiym for that respective individual [1 John 5:14-15]. . .). All good gifts come out of YAHUWAH’S Light [James 1:17] .任何願意的人,都可從被剝奪的人生轉變為繁榮豐盛的人生,以符合創造主【雅吾瓦】在我們各自個人身上的完美旨意(即活在YHWH【雅吾瓦】完全之光”中)[約翰福音5:14-15]。。。這是從" 雅吾瓦完全之光"延生出來造福PGO會員在地上的完美禮物(雅各書1:17)。
- Divine Favor of Aloahiym: Moving in the unsurpassed brilliance of YAHUWAH’S Light 领受到全能創造主的神聖恩寵:走在YHWH【雅吾瓦】無與倫比的榮耀光輝之中
Movement of each PGO Member’s respective life and all aspects thereof‚ in the unmerited Favor of YAHUWAH Aloahiym‚ including his or her financial affairs‚ as the PGO Member comes into the pure Righteousness and pure Light of Aloahiym‚ on HIS terms without compromise [Matt 3:2; 6:33; John 11:40; Rom 10: 4–5; Phil 3:9; others]‚ according to the purity and motives of the PGO Member’s heart‚ as measured by Aloahiym.根據至高全能者對PGO會員心思意念裡的純潔動機,在完全沒有妥協的情況下,[馬太福音3:2; 6:33;約翰福音11:40;羅馬書10:4-5;非3:9;以及其他] 每位PGO會員各自的生活及其各個方面的行動,都會沉浸在在YHWH【雅吾瓦】無上的恩寵中,這包括了他或她的財務狀況; PGO會員會因而進入到無往不利至高全能者純粹的公義和純粹的榮光之中!
- Participation in YAHUWAH’S Indescribable Esteem and Honor參與到YHWH【雅吾瓦】無可形容的尊貴與榮耀
Willing participation in the greatest move of YAHUWAH since the day of Shavuot (English: Feast of Weeks or Greek: Pentecost). No exaggeration. This event is soon to occur‚ and is directly connected with the preparation of the catching up of the Man Child [Rev 12:5; John].凡願意的PGO會員都可以參與到自從聖經歷史Shavuot當天(即希伯来77節日或希臘五旬節)以來,YHWH【雅吾瓦】另一個在全地的最大行動。這一點也沒有誇張。這個事件很快就會發生了,它直接關係到在這末世的【人子】(群體)將會被提到天父寶座前;我們必須作好準備[啟12:5;約翰。
- Permanent Residence & Rest in YAHUWAH’S Light and Covenant Promises永久的安心的居留在創造主YHWH【雅吾瓦】完全的光與盟約承諾中...
Ultimate‚ knowingly‚ and perceptively tangible movement into YAHUWAH Aloahiym’s Light [John 10:10] and love [1 John 4:8‚ 16]‚ forming a permanent abode (permanent residence; literally entering into His rest) [Matt 11: 26–30; Acts 7:46–50; Heb 4: 1–3]‚ subject only to the PGO Member’s uncompromised willingness to enter in with YAHUWAH’S approval [John 17:2–3; Heb 6: 17–18; 7: 25–26; 2 Pet 1:11; Rev 3: 20–21; 22:17; others].最终,我们的標杆是明知的和明確的具體的進入到至高全能者【雅吾瓦】的大光之中(約翰福音10:10)和祂的大愛里头[約翰福音4:8,16],在此找到永久的居留所(永久居留;字意即進入祂的休息)[馬太福音11:26-30; 使徒行傳7:46-50; 希伯來書4:1-3],这只有當PGO會員毫無妥協地願意并渴慕追求進入到至高全能者【雅吾瓦】的大光之中,并得着YHWH【雅吾瓦】的驗正確認後才能成就的[約翰福音17:2-3; 希伯來書6:17-18; 7:25-26; 2 Pet 1:11; 啟3:20-21;22:17;以及其他]。
It Is All About The Covenant With YAHUWAH ALOAHIYM Through YAHUSHUA The MESSIAH
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