Aleph Tav in Ancient Hebrew Modern-Hebrew from Right to Left
* While (PGO) is an operating Ministry‚ it is also a Private Membership Organization consisting of its Members and PGO’S founding Principals and staff. PGO Membership is more than an opportunity to be eligible for a personal breakthrough pursuant to becoming involved in the organization’s activities. The rewards offered through participation in the PGO are significant and tangible‚ but do not compare to the awesome‚ indescribable manifestation of YAHUWAH’S Esteem and Honor. . .. in and of His Light . . .雖然完美禮物機構是一個事工,它也是一個法定註冊團體,由付费的私人會員,PGO創始人員和義工們所組成的私人會員組織。 PGO會員資格不僅僅會因為參與到該組織的活动從而獲得生命翻轉的機會,雖然通過參與PGO所得到的獎勵是重大而有形的,卻不能與創造主YHWH【雅吾瓦】向祂子民(與祂立盟約者)所彰顯的令人難以置信難以形容的尊貴和榮耀來相比。 。是的,活在祂無比榮美的大光之中的豐盛與美好是無可比擬的。 。 。
*PGO is open all persons‚ whether they are believers at present or not‚ subject to YAHUWAH Aloahiym’s calling on their respective lives [Isa 40: 28–31; Exod 19: 5-6; Rom 11: 28–29; 2 Thes 2: 13–14]. PGO is a Private Membership organization because not all persons are willing to submit to YAHUWAH’S standards of Righteousness and come into agreement with His standards and dictates. YAHUWAH is Sovereign and He does not change [Mal 3:6; Num 23:19; Isa 42:5–8; 43: 11–12; 44:6; Heb 13:8; Rev 1:8; others]. Not one person is forced to join PGO. There is no obligation whatsoever pursuant to their PGO Membership to do anything outside of YAHUWAH’S scriptural commands‚ or to become any PGO Sponsors' Participants. PGO向所有的人開放,無論他們現在是否是一名信徒,只要他願意回應創造主【雅吾瓦】對於他們各自生命的的呼籲就可以申請成為會員[以賽亞書40:28-31; 出埃及記19:5-6; 羅馬書11:28-29; 2:13-14]。 PGO是一個私人會員組織,因為在這世上並不是所有的人都願意遵守創造主YHWH【雅吾瓦】的公義標準,並願意服從與祂的標準和要求達成一致; 從而承認並遵守YHWH【雅吾瓦】在每個人身上的主權。祂昨日今日永不改變[馬3:6; 民數記23:19; 以賽亞書42:5-8; 43:11-12;44:6; 希伯來書13:8; 啟1: 8; 以及其他]。因此,在這裡, 沒有一個人是被迫加入PGO的,都必須自願的申請成為一名PGO私人會員,並根據成為PGO私人會員的資格與YHWH【雅吾瓦】立約,不作任何違反聖經命令之外的任何不義的事情。
*Upon becoming a PGO Member‚ each and every candidate necessarily and formally acknowledges and agrees that YAHUWAH Aloahiym is Sovereign‚ and that He alone is in control of all things in the totality of Creation. Therefore‚ all PGO Members and potential candidates alike on put on notice that YAHUWAH does not and will not tolerate fraud in the hearts of PGO Members and/or PGO staff‚ or fraudulent acts perpetuated by anyone who professes to move Righteously‚ but do not.*成為PGO會員後,每位申請人必須正式承認並同意創造主YHWH【雅吾瓦】的主權,唯獨祂掌控所有的被創造物,主管著一切人事物。因此,所有PGO私人會員和潛在申請人在此已被告知,創造主YHWH【雅吾瓦】不會也不容忍任何PGO私人會員和/或PGO工作人員在心中圖謀着任何欺詐的行為,或任何表面上自稱是正義卻隱藏詐騙的行動。
*PGO Private Membership Fee is USD$100 annually in order to enjoy all the benefits that PGO has to offer. * PGO私人會員費用為每年100美元,可以享受PGO提供的所有福利。
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Each PGO Membership Applicant hereby acknowledges that they have read the foregoing Statement of Purpose and Prime Purpose Directive , the benefits as well as Private-membership Page as becoming a PGO private member and understands and agrees as to its contents. 每位PGO會員申請人特此確認,他們已閱讀上述"宗旨和主要目的”,Private-membership 页面 以及成為PGO私人會員的福利,了解並同意其內容。
Each PGO Member further acknowledges and recognizes that they shall be held accountable to our Creator Father YAHUWAH’S standards of Righteousness (Light) according to the Scriptures. 每位PGO成員申請人進一步確認並承認,他們將根據聖經中的公義(YHWH【吾瓦】的光)的標準向我們的創造主YHWH【雅吾瓦】負責。
Each PGO Membership Applicant fully aware and acknowledges that PGO Private Membership Fee is USD$100 annually which is non refundable in order to enjoy all the benefits listed in the PGO benefits immediately. 每位PGO會員申請人完全了解並確認PGO私人會員費用為每年100美元,付費後將不予退還,以便即時享受到PGO福利中列出的所有好處。
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It Is All About The Covenant With YAHUWAH ALOAHIYM Through YAHUSHUA The MESSIAH
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