
Aleph Tav in Ancient Hebrew
Modern-Hebrew from Right to Left
YAHUAH – The Sound of Breathing; The Breath of Life【雅吾瓦】呼吸的声音; 生命的呼与吸 (PDF 文档)
原来,每当我们在呼吸时,我们都在呼唤着 创造主 神圣的名字【雅-吾瓦】【雅吾-瓦】!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yW_W39jO5Fs

- Genesis 2:7 And YAHUAH Aloahyim
formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath
of life; and man became a living soul. –
创2:7 【雅吾瓦】至高全能者用地上的塵土造人,將生氣吹在他鼻孔裡,他就成了有靈的活人,名叫亞當
Job 33:4 The Ruach of
Alahyim hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.
约伯33:4 至高全能者的靈(如瓦RUACH)造我;至高全能者的氣使我得生。
安息日专题 短视频:
Video about YAHUAH – The Sound of Breathing; The Breath of Life
Sound - Breathing effects: A
collection of some physiological and pathological breath sounds that may be
heard by auscultation.
以上视频里的声音 - 呼吸效应:
《【雅吾瓦】就是生命呼吸的声音》 视频说明:
This short and very powerful video
demonstrates the relationship betweeen the human breathing pattern and our
Creator's Name. His name, YAH-U-AH, is pronounced exactly according to the
inhalation and exhalation sounds produced when we breathe. He is our Breath of
这段简短而强有力的视频,展示了人类呼吸模式与我们创造主名字YaHuWaH【雅吾瓦】之间的关系。 祂的名字:【雅YAH- 吾U- 瓦AH】的发音与我们深度呼吸时(把气吸到肚腹中,肺活量最大然后吐气时所产生的极低音频,需靠现代科技的测量音频的机器才可以记录得下来)。。。短视频尝试播放这音频,发现到其所产生的吸气【雅YAH】和 呼气[UAh吾瓦】声音与我们创造主的名字YaHuWaH【雅吾瓦】完全相同。 哈利路雅,祂就是我们的生命, 祂就是我们的呼吸!
第一段呼吸视频的标题: 肺泡呼吸音: Yah雅-U吾-瓦aH (3:1)

第二段呼吸视频的标题: 支气官呼吸音: Yah雅-U吾-瓦aH (1:3)
支气管呼吸音是呼吸时气流在声门、气管形成湍流所产生的声音 ; 且越靠近气管区,其声响越强,音调亦降低。 在吸气和呼气之间有极短暂的间隙。

出 3:13 摩西對至高全能者說:「我到以色列人那裡,對他們說:『你們祖宗的至高全能者打發我到你們這裡來。』
出 3:15 。。【雅吾瓦】是我的名,直到永遠;這也是我的紀念,直到萬代。
出3:14 (I AM HE WHO EXIST)「我是 - 自有永有的」
出3:14 (I AM The One Who IS ) 「我是 - 永活永在的」
I Am The
Breath Of LIFE 「我是 - 生命的呼与吸:雅-吾-瓦 」
I Am Yah
-U- Ah 「 我是 【雅-吾-瓦】」---

Selah: 请深思细想
26 YaHuWaH lift up His countenance upon you, and give you shalom.
民 6:26 愿【雅吾瓦】向你仰臉,賜你平安<H 07965>。

27 And they shall put My Name upon the children of Yisrael; and I will Baruch
民6:27 他們要如此奉我的名為以色列人祝福,我就賜福給他們。
有一名25年的医护人员,本身是挚爱至高全能者【雅吾瓦】的弟兄分享了以下关于【雅吾瓦】的名字就在我们的每一个生命的呼吸中的 一个的小小见证。
" 如果你读到创世纪,在那里提到祂把生命的呼吸(RUACH如瓦:灵,生命之气)吹入了亚当的鼻孔里。 每个人的鼻孔Notrils都大小各不相同。如果你把他们看作是一个气管乐器,你就会在吸气时听到YAH雅的声音,呼气时你则会听到WaH瓦。
我们在天上的父在按照祂的形象和样式创造人的时后,已加上祂可爱又可贵的创作上签署了祂自己的名字:【雅YaH-吾U-瓦aH】......。这是天父3年前通过圣灵RUACH向我显示的。我已经与许多信徒分享了这个见证,并将它发布在许多You tube网站上, 好让祂的名字因此得着荣耀; 好让我们每一次呼吸时都没有否认祂的圣名就是:YaH-Uw-aH [雅吾瓦]!哈利路雅。
其实,我们只需要让自己的心灵宁静下来就可以听到祂给我们的生命之气呼吸的声音,每一个呼吸都在称颂创造主天父【雅吾瓦】的圣名。因为祂曾提示过我们,祂的声音并不在雷鸣之中,而是在小小的声音里(王上 19:11,12):就在我们的生命气息中。生活如此嘈杂,人们来来往往忙忙碌碌,就是没有学会拨出时间来安静地思考和认真思考【雅吾瓦】的圣名。以上所播放的视频我是最近才发现的,根据创2:7,约伯33:4 祂所吹入人的鼻孔中的生命气息所发出的音频,就是祂自己的名字:YaHuWah【雅吾瓦】;这也答案就像箴言30:4所问到的问题的答案:" 祂名叫什麼?祂兒子名叫什麼?你知道嗎? ” 从考古学所发掘出的一具象牙古器Pomagrant,被查考出原来是耶路撒冷第一个圣殿中摆在至圣所里【雅吾瓦】圣殿中祭司们专用的古物,上面雕刻着至高全能者的名字:
KADOSH UNTO 。。。YHWH,(YAHUWAH)分别为圣给【雅吾瓦】殿中的祭司等上古希伯来文字。......这文明古物可以在以色列洛克菲勒博物馆看到。The Ivory
Pomegranate is a thumb-sized semitic ornamental artifact acquired by the Israel Museum
. It is not actually
made of ivory, but of hippopotamus
bone and bears
an inscription; Sacred to the Priest
of the House of YHWH
【雅吾瓦】是我们的天父,也是我们的创造者,并且祂通过祂的儿子Yahushua【雅吾赎瓦】创造了世界。约1:3 萬物都是藉著他造的;凡被造的,沒有一樣不是藉著祂造的。
祂的名字是YaHuWaH 【雅吾瓦】,子YahuShua 【雅吾赎瓦】奉父的名来,子的名字中有父【雅吾瓦】的名,意思是【雅吾瓦救赎】
Shabbat Shalom 安息日。平安。

2. 另一分享:
Sacred Name YHWH = Breath?
神圣的名字 【雅吾瓦】 = 呼吸?
YaHuWaH ~ Breath Of all sacred name teachings and/or discussions,
this one was the most profound and awe inspiring for me: Breathe…
作者:Rob Bell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EFLRDNAx-Y
【雅吾瓦】圣名的发音音频 竟然就在每一个生命的气息(呼吸)的原发声共振音频中!这个有科学根据的发现是在当今所有创造主神圣的名字教学和/或各种的讨论中, 带给我内心最深刻最大启迪的;并且让人一旦被开启,敬畏之心油然兴起: 原来我们的每一个呼吸,维持着我们存话的生命之气所发出来的共振音频竟然就是创造主的圣名发音:【雅-吾瓦】。原来当今存活在这世上的每一个人即或在无意识无知的情况下,也正无时无刻的每一分钟都在呼唤着创造主【雅吾瓦】的圣名啊!
关于人体呼吸的数据data about Breathing:
• we should breath from our stomach rather than our
chests (i’ve had music teachers teach this); when we’re hurried or stressed we
我们应该用我们的腹部来呼吸,而不是我们的肺 (我有音乐老师教这呼吸理论); 当我们匆忙或压力很大时, 我们都略过而不会我们的腹部来作深层的呼吸。
• each day the average human takes 26k breaths; ~14k
liters of air; at rest 4-6 breaths/minute, but most of us take 16 - 20
breaths/minute. •
每天平均人类需要2万6千次呼吸; ~ 吸入14 公升的空气; 休息时每分钟也有4-6次呼吸, 但是我们大多数人却每分钟只有 16-20 次呼吸。
experts suggest we get 99% of our energy from
breathing and we only access ~10-20% of that energy. profound thoughts:
专家建议我们从呼吸中获得99% 的能量, 我们只能获得10-20% 的能量。这点值得我们去深思。
• as the ground around Moses was Qodesh in the
presence of The Almighty, seeing how our Creator Abba’s RUACH/spirit/breath
lives within us, are we standing on SetApart ground all the time, passing
burning bushes on the left and the right, and because we’re moving too fast
and/or distracted we miss them?
就如同摩西站在至高全能者面前被分别为圣的地上, 看见至高全能者的RUACH【如瓦】灵/气吹入我们体内而使我们得生命之气而存活起来。。。,原来我们一直就站在这圣地上, 那焚烧的火就是在我们体内左边右边互动着有规律的燃烧着却烧不坏灌木的灵【如瓦】RUACH,【雅吾瓦】所赐予我们的生命气息一直就在我们里面:声声呼唤着【雅吾瓦】的圣名!是否因为我们的生活节奏行动太快了和/或事务缠身而让我们分心, 以致我们错过了【雅吾瓦】在我们里面呼吸的声音?
• by the very breath of our Creator Abba, humankind
was formed of dust/dirt of the ground [0127 hmda 'adamah ad-aw-maw'] — Adam, or
"ground man”; upon breathing our last breath, we will return to dust ("from
dust to dust”); humankind is fragile.
• 在创造主天父的所呼出的生命气息下, 人类(以地面的灰尘形成人体后)才成了有灵的活人。 [ 希伯来词典0127 hmda ' adamah ' '-亚当, 或 "地面人"; 当我们停止了最后一口气的呼吸时, 我们将返回尘土 "从尘土到尘土”; 可见人类是非常脆弱的。]
Psalm 144: 3 YaHuWaH, what is man, that You are
mindful of him! And the ben Ahdahm, that You take account of him? 4 Man is like
vanity: his days are as a shadow that passes away.
诗144:4 人好像一口气,他的年日如同影兒快快过去。
• breath = spirit [07307 xwr ruwach roo'-akh Hebrew / 4151 pneuma pneuma {pnyoo'-mah}
呼吸 = 灵 [希伯来语词典07307 xwr ruwach 【如瓦】 'roo-akh ; 希腊词典4151 灵气灵气 {pnyoo ' -mah 普纽嘛 }
• Psalm 104: 29 You
hide Your face, they are troubled: You take away their breath, they die, and
return to their dust.
30 You send forth
Your Ruach, they are created: and You renew the face of the earth.
诗篇 104:29
104:29 祢掩面,他們便驚惶;祢收回他們的氣,他們就死亡,歸於塵土。诗篇104:30 祢發出祢的靈,他們便受造,祢使地面更換為新。
• most often translated as "LORD”; Tetragrammaton =
YHVH/YHWH (Yod Hey Vah/Wah Hey) — some believe the sound of these letters said
together sound like breathing.
创造主的圣名最常被翻译成英语的 "主",然而创造主的圣名并不是一个称谓,而是名字,其上古希伯来原发音是【雅吾瓦】 = YHWH/YHVH【雅吾瓦】 (Yod 唷Hei嘿 Vah/Wah瓦Hei 嘿);目前有许多人相信这4个字所发出来的声音【雅吾瓦】, 听起来更像我们每一个人呼吸的声音。
• John 4: 24 "The Almighty Aloahiym is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”
·约翰福音 4:24 至高全能者是个靈,〔或無"個”字〕所以拜祂的,必須用(心)靈和真理(誠實)拜祂。
• Is the name of our Creator the sound of
breathing? I find it completely awesome
to consider that in all life upon this planet, in every breath we take we might
be saying the name of our Creator continuously without even realizing it!
至高全能者名字的发音就是我们呼吸的声音吗? 这想法令我感到无比震撼:想一想,在这个星球上的所有生命的每一个呼吸, 我们都从中源源不绝地听到至高全能者的名字【雅吾瓦】;分分秒秒万物都在诉说着我们创造者的名字【雅吾瓦】, 即或没有人意识到,祂仍然是如此真实的活在我们里面!
- this concept changed my entire perspective of
attempting to dogmatically insist that the name of our Creator Abba be confined
to mere human language. so now, to me
debating over the precise "true name of The Almighty Aloahiym” reminds me of a
quote i heard from a movie: " talking about music is like dancing about
这个概念改变了我试图以教条的观点来坚持认为创造主天父的名字是归类到人类语言学范畴内的。 所以现在, 对于我来说, 关于一些要求找到精确的 "至高全能者的真正名字" 的辩论, 就让我想起了一个我从电影中听到的对白: "。。谈论起音乐犹如在建筑物上跳舞一样。”
- side note: in my past musings i’ve also wondered if
music is the language of angels.
-旁注: 我过去曾沉思过:或许音乐就是天使的语言。

• we are sacred creations of He who created the entire
universe; Creator’s divine breath is flowing through everyone and everything,
making everything around us Qodesh / SetApart .
我们是祂创造了整个宇宙中的神圣创造物; 至高全能者把祂神圣的气息【RUACH灵】吹进了也吹遍了每一个人和祂所创造的一切, 致使我们周围的一切因祂而分别为圣。
• Psalm 8:1 O יהוה [YHWH], our Master, How excellent is Your name in all the earth, Who have set Your glory above the heavens!
诗篇 8:1 主【雅吾瓦】, 我们的主啊 ,
2 Out of the mouth of
babes and nursing infants You have ordained strength, Because of Your enemies,
That You may silence the enemy and the avenger.
2 祢因敵人的緣故,從嬰孩和吃奶的口中,建立了能力,使仇敵和報仇的閉口無言。
3 When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your
fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have ordained,
4 What is man that You are mindful of him, And the son
of man that You visit him?
4 便說:人算什麼,祢竟顧念他?世人算什麼,祢竟眷顧他?
5 For You have made him a little lower than the
angels, And You have crowned him with Esteem and Honor.
5 祢叫他比天使(或作:神)微小一點,並賜他榮耀尊貴為冠冕。
6 You have made him to have dominion over the works of
Your hands; You have put all things under his feet, 7
All sheep and oxen--Even the beasts of the field, 8 The birds of the air, And
the fish of the sea That pass through the paths of the seas.
6,7,8 祢派他管理祢手所造的,使萬物,就是一切的牛羊、田野的獸、空中的鳥、海裡的魚,凡經行海道的,都服在他的腳下。
9 O יהוה,our
Master, How excellent is Your name in all the earth!
9【雅吾瓦】我们的主啊, 祢的名在世上是何其美!
• Romans 8: 10 And if Christ is in you, the body is
dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.
·罗马8:10 彌賽雅若在你們心裡,身體就因罪而死,心靈卻因義而活。
11 But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the
dead dwells in you, He who raised Messiah from the dead will also give life to
your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.
罗马8:11 然而叫【雅吾贖瓦】從死裡復活的靈,若住在你們心裡, 那叫彌賽雅【雅吾贖瓦】從死裡復活的,也必藉著住在你們心裡分别为圣的靈,使你們必死的身體又活過來。
• when a baby is born, what’s the first thing it must
do to live — take a breath? … or say the
name of The Creator?
·当婴儿出生时, 它首先必须做什么才能活下来 – 深吸一口气? 或者是说出创造主的名字?
• what’s the last thing we do before we die — take our
final breath? …
·在我们死前, 我们做的最后一件事不也是-- 呼出最后一口气? ...
or is it that
when we no longer can say the name of our Creator, we die?
或者是当我们不能说出创造主的名字时, 我们就会死去?
• in YHWH we live, and we move, and we breathe.
Biblical Wisdom I have also found wisdom regarding
this issue in the following scriptures and concordances.
事实上,是在【雅吾瓦】里面,我们存活, 我们行动, 我们呼吸。天父神圣的名字 【雅吾瓦】就是我们所以存活 呼吸的声音。

Isaiah 9: 6 For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son
is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor,
Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
赛9:6 因有一嬰孩為我們而生,有一子賜給我們,政權必擔在他的肩頭上。他名稱為奇妙、策士、全能的至高全能者、永在的父、和平的君。
赛9:7 他的政權與平安必加增無窮。他必在大衛的寶座上治理他的國,以公平公義使國堅定穩固,從今直到永遠。萬軍之【 雅吾瓦】的熱心必成就這事。
赛9:8 【 雅吾瓦】使一言入於雅各家,落於以色列家。
• many "names” are exemplified here. why should anyone be offended when someone calls our Creator by any honorable name in any language?
在这段经文里显示了 许多 "名字" 。 当有人用任何深具名誉的名字来称呼创造主至高全能者时, 为什么有人会感到被冒犯了呢?
• what do the original Hebrew and Greek words
translated to "name” mean?
原来的希伯来语和希腊语把祂的"名字"翻译成08034 SHEM"名字" 时到底是什么意思?
name 08034 Mv shem shame
a primitive word [perhaps rather from 07760 through
the idea of definite and conspicuous position;
名称 08034 Mv Shem是一个原始的词[也许宁可从07760通过 通过确定的想法与明确的立场来决定。]
TWOT - 2405; n m KJV - name 832, renown 7, fame 4,
famous 3, named 3, named + 07121 2, famous + 07121 1, infamous + 02931 1,
report 1, misc 10; 864 1) name 1a)
name 1b) reputation, fame, glory 1c) the Name (as designation of God) 1d) memorial, monument
TWOT-2405;n m 译本-名字 832, 出名 7, 名望 4, 著名 3, 命名 3, 命名 + 07121 2, 著名 + 07121 1, 臭名昭著的 + 02931 1, 报告 1, 杂项 10;864 1) 名称 1a) 名字 1b) 声誉, 名望, 荣誉 1c) SHEM名字 (指定作为上帝的名字) 1d) 纪念碑, 纪念碑
3686 onoma onoma {on'-om-ah} from a presumed
derivative of the base of 1097 (cf 3685); TDNT - 5:242,694; n n AV - name 193, named 28, called 4, surname + 2007
2, named + 2564 1, not tr 1; 229
3686《专名《专名{在 '-om ah} 从假定的1097年基础 (cf 3685); 衍生的。TDNT-5:242,694;n
n AV 名字 193, 命名 28, 叫 4, 姓氏 + 2007 2, 命名 + 2564 1, 不是 tr 1;229
1) name: univ. of proper names
名称: 普世一般正确的名称
2) the name is used for everything which the name
covers, everything the thought or feeling of which is aroused in the mind
by mentioning, hearing, remembering,
the name, i.e. for one's rank, authority, interests, pleasure, command, excellences, deeds etc.
名称: 用于所有的名称涵盖, 一切在头脑中通过提、听、记、名, 即为一个人的军衔、权威、兴趣、愉悦、命令、优点、行为等而引起的思想或感觉。
3) persons reckoned up by name
4) the cause or reason named: on this account. There
are four meanings of "name ":
命名的原因或理由: "名字 "可含有四意思 :
1. name tag;
2. reputation, fame and glory;
3. supreme authority;
4. memorial, or monument.
YHWH = Father & Son
【雅吾瓦】 = 圣父和圣子共享的名字

Zech 2: 8 For thus says YAHUWAH of hosts: "He sent Me after glory, to the nations which plunder you; for he who touches you touches the apple of His eye.
亚 2:8 萬軍之【雅吾瓦】說:"在顯出榮耀之後,差遣我去懲罰那擄掠你們的列國,触摸你們的,就是触摸祂眼中的瞳人。
9 "For surely I will
shake My hand against them, and they shall become spoil for their servants.
Then you will know that YAHUWAH of hosts has sent Me.
亚2:9 看哪,我〔或作他〕要向他們掄手,他們就必作服事他們之人的擄物,你們便知道萬軍之【 雅吾瓦】差遣我了。
10 "Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion! For behold, I am coming and I will dwell in your midst,” says YAHUWAH.
亚2:10 錫安城啊,應當歡樂歌唱,因為我來要住在你中間。這是【 雅吾瓦】說的。
11 "Many nations shall be
joined to YAHUWAH in that day, and • here, YHWH is the sent one and the sender.
• perhaps YHWH represents "God-kind”?
亚2:11 那時,必有許多國歸附【雅吾瓦】,作祂〔原文作我〕的子民。祂〔原文作我〕要住在你中間,你就知道萬軍之【 雅吾瓦】差遣我到你那裡去了。(这里的【雅吾瓦】是否代表着 "至高全能者”?)
Geek ‘Christ’ = Messiah — Anointed One
希腊字‘基督’ = 希伯来原文为:弥赛亚- 受膏者
Da 9:25 "Know therefore and
understand, That from the going forth of the command To restore and build
Jerusalem Until Messiah the Prince, There shall be seven weeks and sixty-two
weeks; The street shall be built again, and the wall, Even in troublesome
但以理9:25 你當知道、當明白,從出令重新建造耶路撒冷,直到有受膏君(希伯来原文用 【弥赛雅】)的時候,必有七個七和六十二個七。正在艱難的時候,耶路撒冷城連街帶濠都必重新建造。
Da 9:26 "And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall
be cut off, but not for Himself; And the people of the prince who is to come
Shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end of it shall be with a flood,
And till the end of the war desolations are determined.
但以理 9:26 過了六十二個七,那受膏者(希伯来原文用 【弥赛雅】)〔那或作有〕必被剪除,一無所有,必有一王的民來毀滅這城和聖所,至終必如洪水沖沒。必有爭戰,一直到底,荒涼的事已經定了。
Joh 1:41 He first found his
own brother Simon, and said to him, "We have found the Messiah” (which is
translated, the Christ).
约 1:41 他先找著自己的哥哥西門,對他說:"我們遇見彌賽雅了。”
Joh 4:25 The woman said to Him, "I know that Messiah
is coming” (who is called Christ). "When He comes, He will tell us all things.”
约4:25 婦人說:"我知道彌賽雅,(就是那稱為彌賽雅的)要來,祂來了,必將一切的事都告訴我們。”
Messiah — 04899 xyvm mashiyach maw-shee'-akh from
04886, Greek 3323 messiav; TWOT - 1255c; n m KJV - anointed 37, Messiah 2; 39
弥赛雅-04899 xyvm mashiyach 的 akh 从 04886, 希腊 3323
messiav;TWOT-1255c;37, 弥赛雅2;39
anointed, anointed one 1) 受膏者, 膏者君
1a) of
the Messiah, Messianic prince 弥赛雅的,救世君王
1b) of
the king of Israel 以色列王的
1c) of
the high priest of Israel 以色列的大祭司
1d) of
Cyrus 赛鲁士(古列王)
1e) of
the patriarchs as anointed kings受膏为王的族长们
3323 messiav Messias {mes-see'-as} of Hebrew origin
messiav 弥赛雅--作为希伯来语:来源04899;
see 5547 Christos, TDNT 9:493, 1322; n m AV - Messias
2; 2 Messias = "anointed "
5547 9:493 希腊语:基督, TDNT, 1322;n m AV 救世主 2;2弥赛雅 = "受膏者 "
1) the Greek form of Messiah希腊形式的弥赛雅
2) a name of Christ:Yahushua
Messiah / Jesus Christ Named "Immanuel” 希腊语基督:希伯来原发音 - 【雅吾赎瓦】弥赛雅(现代中文译为耶稣基督)又被称为 "以马内利"
Isa 7:14 "Therefore YAHUWAH Himself will give you a
sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name
Isa 赛7:14 因此,【雅吾瓦】自己要給你們一個兆頭,必有童女懷孕生子,給祂起名叫以馬內利。〔就是至高全能者與我們同在的意思〕
Isa 8:8 He will pass through Judah, He will overflow
and pass over, He will reach up to the neck; And the stretching out of his
wings Will fill the breadth of Your land, O Immanuel.
Isa赛 8:8 必沖入猶大,漲溢氾濫,直到頸項。以馬內利啊,祂展開翅膀,遍滿你的地。”
Isa 8:10 Take counsel together, but it will come to
nothing; Speak the word, but it will not stand, For God is with us.”
Isa赛8:10 任憑你們同謀,終歸無有; 任憑你們言定,終不成立。因為至高全能者與我們同在。
Mt 1:23 "Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and
bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, "God
with us.”
马太 1:23 說:"必有童女,懷孕生子,人要稱他的名為以馬內利。”("以馬內利”翻出來,就是"至高全能者與我們同在”。)
Immanuel — 06005 lawnme `Immanuw'el im-maw-noo-ale'
from 05973 and 0410 with a pronominal suffix inserted, Greek 1694 emmanouhl;
06005 lawnme ' Immanuw ' el im-maw-noo- ale ' 从05973和0410与代词 suffix 插入, 希腊语 1694 emmanouhl;
TWOT - 1640d; n pr m KJV - Immanuel + 0410 2; 2
Immanuel = "God with us" or "with us is God"
TWOT-1640d;0410 2;2 "至高全能者与我们同在" 或 "与我们同在的是至高全能者"
1) symbolic and
prophetic name of the Messiah, the Christ, prophesying that He would be born of
a virgin and would be 'God with us' 0410 la 'el ale shortened from 0352, Greek
2241 hli and 1664 elioud; TWOT - 93a; n m KJV - God 213, god 16, power 4,
mighty 5, goodly 1, great 1, idols 1, Immanuel + 06005 2, might 1, strong 1;
1. 弥赛雅是充满象征性和先知性的名字, 弥赛雅希腊文翻译为基督,预言说, 弥赛雅将从童女出生,将是 '至高全能者与我们同在' 0410 la ' el ale 从0352, 希腊 2241 hli 和 1664 elioud 缩短;TWOT-93a;n m 译本-至高全能者213, 神明 16, 力量 4, 强大的 5, 优美的 1, 伟大的 1, 偶像 1, '至高全能者与我们同在' + 06005 2, 权能1, 强壮 1;245
god-like one, mighty one 上帝, 像上帝一样, 神明,强大的1a) mighty men,
men of rank, mighty heroes
威武的人, 高军衔的人, 强大的英雄
angels 天使
1c) god,
false god, (demons, imaginations)
上帝, 虚假的上帝, (恶魔, 虚构想象的)
1d) Almighty,
the one true God, Yehovah
至高全能者, 唯一真神, 【雅吾瓦】
2) mighty
things in nature大自然中强大的东西
3) strength, power力量,权力
【雅吾瓦】是我们的天父,也是我们的创造者,并且祂通过祂的儿子Yahushua【雅吾赎瓦】创造了世界。约1:3 萬物都是藉著他造的;凡被造的,沒有一樣不是藉著祂造的。
祂的名字是YaHuWaH 【雅吾瓦】,子YahuShua 【雅吾赎瓦】奉父的名来,子的名字中有父【雅吾瓦】的名,意思是【雅吾瓦救赎】

【雅吾瓦】 是 圣父和圣子共享的名字
每当我们在呼吸时,我们都在呼求创造主 神圣的名字 【雅-吾-瓦】!HalleluYAH, HalleluYaHuWaH, HalleluYahuShua!!
Shabbat Shalom 安息日。平安。
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