Aleph Tav in Ancient Hebrew
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随着死海古卷的出土,《以诺书 》《禧年书》的发现,解开了这一秘密,
撒下2Sa 1:18 Also he ordered The
Bow to be taught to the children of Yahudah: see, it is written in the Book of Jasher.
《撒母耳记下》1:18 且吩咐将这歌教导犹太人。这歌名叫弓歌。写在雅煞珥书上。
书Jos 10:13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed in place, until
the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the Book of Jasher? 1 So the sun stood still
in the midst of the shamayim, and did not set for about a whole day.
《约书亚记》10:13 于是日头停留,月亮止住,直等国民向敌人报仇。这事岂不写在雅煞珥书上吗?日头在天当中停住,不急速下落,约有一日之久。
赛Isa 34:16 Seek for the scroll of YaHuWaH, and read it: not one of these shall fail, none shall be without a mate: for my mouth He has commanded, and His Ruach shall gather them.
赛Isa 34:16 你們要查考宣读【雅吾瓦】的书。这都无一缺少,无一沒有伴偶; 因為我的口已经吩咐,祂的灵將他們聚集。
以诺书 Enoch 82:1 Now, Methuselah, my son, I shall recount all these things to you and write them down for you. I have revealed to you, and given you the book concerning all these things. Preserve, my son, the book from your father's hands in order that you may pass it to the generations of the world.
以诺书 Enoch 82:1现在,我儿玛土撒拉,我向你陈说并记下这些。我已将一切的事向你显明,也把关于这一些事的书卷送给你。我儿玛土撒拉,要保守这些书卷,因为它们从父亲的手里所出,为要传给万代。
以诺书 Enoch 104:10 "And now I know this mystery
: For they the sinners shall alter the just verdict and many
sinners will take it to heart; they will speak evil words and lie, and they
will invent fictitious stories and write out my Scriptures on the basis of
their own words.”
以诺书 Enoch 104:10 如今我知道这奥秘,必有许多的罪人改变和弯曲真理的话语,诉说邪恶,口出谎言,凭空捏造,又用他们自己的话书写。
以诺书 Enoch 104:11 "And would that they had written down all the words truthfully on the basis of their own speech, and neither alter nor take away from my words, all of which I testify to them from the beginning!”
以诺书 Enoch 104:11 然而若他们用自己的语言,准确书写我的话语,不改变也不减少我话语里的一点,如实记录一切,和我之前所见证的所有的事,
以诺书 Enoch 104:12 "Again know another mystery! that to the righteous and the wise shall be given the Scriptures of joy, for truth and great wisdom.”
以诺书 Enoch 104:12我也知道另一个奥秘:必有许多的书卷赐给公义和智慧的人,成为他们喜乐、真理和许多智慧的源泉。
以诺书 Enoch 104:13 "So to them shall be given the Scriptures; and they shall believe them and be glad in them; and all the righteous ones who learn from them the Ways of Truth shall rejoice.”
以诺书 Enoch 104:13必有许多的书卷赐给他们,他们必因此相信和欢喜;凡从其中学习一切真理道路的义人都必快乐。
以诺书 Enoch 105:1 In those days, he says, "YaHuWaH will be patient and cause the children of the earth to hear.
Reveal it to them with YOUR Wisdom, for YOU are their guides; and YOU are a
reward upon the whole earth.”
以诺书 Enoch 105:1 当那些日子,【雅吾瓦】说,这些书卷必呼出其中的智慧,又向地上的子孙作证。去把这事指示他们,因你是他们中间的领袖,必有赏赐充满全地。
禧年书Jubilees 4:17 And he was the first among men that are born on earth who
learnt writing and knowledge and wisdom and who wrote down the signs of heaven
according to the order of their months in a book, that men might know the
seasons of the years according to the order of their separate months.
禧年书Jubilees 4:17在人的儿子〔中〕,在所有生于地上的人〔当中〕,以诺是头一个学习写字、知识和智能的人。他把天上的记号,按照月份的次序,一一写在书上,好叫世人认识各年份的〔特定〕时间,各按各的次序,各随各的月份。
禧年书Jubilees 4:18 And he was the first to write a testimony and he testified to
the sons of men among the generations of the earth, and recounted the weeks of the jubilees, and made known to them
the days of the years, and set in order the months and recounted the Shabbats
of the years as we made them, known to him.
禧年书Jubilees 4:18以诺也是头一个把证言写下来的人,向地上世世代代的子孙作见证。他以禧年的计算方法记述每个七年所发生的事,使后人能够认识。又编排年月,记录各年的安息日,正如我们所晓谕他的。
犹大书Jude 1:14 亚当的七世孙以诺曾預言這些人說:"看哪,主【雅吾瓦】帶著祂的千萬聖者降臨,
1:15 要在眾人身上行審判,證實那一切不敬虔的人所妄行一切不敬虔的事,又證實不敬虔之罪人所說頂撞他的剛愎話。”
以诺书 Enoch 1章
以诺书 Enoch 1:1 The Barekah of Enoch: with which he baruched the elect and the righteous who would be
present on the day of tribulation at the time of the removal of all the wicked
以诺书 Enoch 1:1这是以诺祝福的话,借此祝福那些蒙拣选的义人,在预定急难的日子里,他们必要站立,而一切邪恶和不敬虔的必被剪除。
以诺书 Enoch 1:2 And Enoch, the baruched and righteous man of YaHuWaH took up his parable while his eyes
were open and he saw, and said, "This is a kodesh vision from the heavens which
the malakim showed me:and I heard from them everything and I understood. I look not for this
generation but for the distant one that is coming. I speak about the elect ones
and concerning them.”
以诺书 Enoch 1:2以诺开口讲述他的经历,一位义人的眼睛被【雅吾瓦】开启,并受众天使指示,看到天上的异象,我听到他们口中全部的话,并明白所看见的事,不是关乎这个世代,乃是关乎将要临到的许多世代。
以诺书 Enoch 1:3 And I took up with a parable saying, "YaHuWaH of the
present, the Kodesh Great One, will come forth from HIS dwelling.”
以诺书 Enoch 1:3论到选民,有一个预言是关乎他们的,至高的圣者【雅吾瓦】必从祂的居所出来。
以诺书 Enoch 1:4 "And from there HE will march upon Mount Sinai and appear in
HIS camp emerging from heaven with a mighty power. And everyone shall be
afraid, and Watchers shall quiver.”
以诺书 Enoch 1:4永生的【雅吾瓦】必从而降,脚踏在西奈山上,祂与众天军一同显现,从高天之上的荣耀能力中彰显。
以诺书 Enoch 1:5 "And great fear and trembling shall seize them unto the ends
of the earth.”
以诺书 Enoch 1:5万有都必惧怕,众守望者也都战抖,因为恐惧和大战兢必捉住他们,直到地极。
以诺书 Enoch 1:6 "Mountains and high places will fall down and be frightened. And high hills shall be made low; and they shall melt like a honeycomb before the flame.”
以诺书 Enoch 1:6大山必被摇动,高岭必被倾覆,它们都如腊在烈焰中融化。
以诺书 Enoch 1:7 "And earth shall be rent asunder; and all that is upon the earth shall perish. And there shall be a judgment upon all, including the righteous.”
以诺书 Enoch 1:7地必塌陷,其上的万物都必灭亡。审判必临到万有,也临到所有义人。
以诺书 Enoch 1:8 "And to all the righteous HE will grant shalom. HE will preserve the elect, and loving-kindness shall be upon them. They shall all belong to YaHuWaH and they shall prosper and be baruched; and the Light of YaHuWaH shall shine unto them.”
以诺书 Enoch 1:8然而义人却安然居住,因为【雅吾瓦】必保护祂的选民,又要怜恤他们。他们既属乎【雅吾瓦】,就必兴盛蒙福,【雅吾瓦】的光也必照耀他们。
以诺书 Enoch 1:9 "Behold, He will arrive with ten million of the kodesh ones in order to execute judgment upon all. He will destroy the wicked ones and censure all flesh on account of everything that they have done, that which the sinners and the wicked ones committed against HIM.”
以诺书 Enoch 1:9看哪,主【雅吾瓦】带着他的千万圣者降临,要在众人身上行审判,祂必消灭所有罪孽和不敬虔的血气之人,必因他们所行的一切刚愎事报应他们。
以诺书 Enoch72章,记载了太阳的运行轨迹,其他章记载了太阳历的制定法则,简单介绍一下重要经文:
以诺书 Enoch 关于 日历的重要经文
以诺书 Enoch 72:1 The Book of the Itinerary of the Luminaries of Heaven: the position of each and every one, in respect to their ranks,
in respect to their authorities, and in respect to their seasons; each one
according to their names and their places of origin and according to their
months, which Uriel, the kodesh malak who was with me, and who also is their
guide, showed me -just as he showed me all their treatises and the nature of
the years of the world unto eternity, till the new creation which abides
forever is created.
以诺书 Enoch 72: 1节此卷关乎天上诸光的启示,那以我同行的圣洁天使乌列尔,是掌管诸光的领袖。他照着各自所从的种类、所辖的界限和时节,又照着各自的名字和起源之地,并所属的月份,把诸光都一一指示我。他又把它们一切的律例指示我,这律例关乎世上的各年和永代。且要存到新物受造的日子,直到永远。
以诺书 Enoch 74:12 They bring about all the years punctiliously, so that they forever neither gain upon nor fall behind their fixed positions for a single day, but they convert the year with punctilious justice into three hundred sixty four days.
以诺书 Enoch 74:12日头和星宿,将一切的年日都定准,它们不提前一天,也不延迟一日。各守本位直到永远,使一年三百六十四日的定律成为完全。
以诺书 Enoch 75:3 Thus the signs, the durations of time, the years, and the days were shown to me by the malak Uriel, whom YaHuWaH, Almighty of eternal splendor, has
appointed over all the luminaries of heaven, both in heaven and the world - in
order that they - the sun, the moon, the stars, and all the created objects
which circulate in all the chariots of heaven should rule in the face of the
sky and be seen on the earth to be guides for the day and the night.
以诺书 Enoch75:3那受永恒荣耀之神差遣而管理天上一切众光的天使乌列尔,将记号、节期、年岁和日子都指示我。他叫众光在天掌权,在地下显明,引领昼夜;日头、月亮和诸星,并一切受造作服侍的,都在天上乘往返运行。
以诺书 Enoch 80:1 In those days, the angel Uriel responded and said to me, "Behold, I have shown you everything, Enoch, and I have revealed everything to you so that you might see this sun, this moon, and those that guide the stars of heaven as well as all those who interchange their activities and their seasons and rotate their processions.
以诺书 Enoch 80:1在那些日子里,乌列尔回答我说:看那,以诺,我已把一些事都指示你了,我也一把所有的都启示你,好叫你明白日头、月亮、引领天上众星的、调转它们的,以及它们各自所做的工,并它们的季节和出离之地。
禧年书 2章
1 And the malak of the presence spoke to Mosheh according to the
word of YaHuWaH, saying: Write the complete history of the creation, how in six days YaHuWaH Almighty finished all His works and
all that He created, and kept Shabbat on the seventh day and hallowed it for all ages, and appointed
it as a sign for all His works.
禧年书Jubilees 2:1 在【雅吾瓦】面前侍候的天使晓谕摩西,说「把创造的始末写下来,至高全能者【雅吾瓦】以六天的时间完成了祂一切的工作和创造。到了第七日,祂歇了工作,使这日成为圣日,直到永远。祂设立安息日〔作〕记号,以纪念祂一切的工作。」
禧年书Jubilees 2:9 And YaHuWaH appointed the sun to be a great sign on the earth for days and for Shabbats and for months and for feasts and for years and for Shabbats of years and for jubilees and for all seasons of the years.
禧年书Jubilees 2:9【雅吾瓦】把太阳摆列在天上,作地上重要的记号,以定日子、安息日、月份、节令、年岁、安息年、禧年和一年中所有〔设定〕的时间。
禧年书Jubilees 50:4 Wherefore I have ordained for you the year-weeks and the years
and the jubilees: there are forty-nine jubilees from the days of Adam
until this day, [2452A.M.] and first week and two years: and there are yet forty (40)years to come (lit.distant') for learning the commandments of YAHUWAH, until they pass over into the land
of Canaan, crossing the Jordan to the west.
禧年书Jubilees 50:4因为这个缘故,我为你们定了七年、安息年和禧年。从亚当到今日,总共经过了四十九个禧年又一个七年零两年(50*49=2450+2=2452,西奈山顶)。他们还有四十年去学习【雅吾瓦】的命令。之后要渡过约旦河,去到河的西岸。他们要渡到迦南地的岸边。,
利未记 Leviticus 25:8-10
And you shall number seven Shabbats of years, seven
times seven years; and the space of the seven Shabbats of years shall be to you forty-nine years. 9 Then shall you cause the shofar of the yovel
7 to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month, on the Yom HaKippurim shall you make the shofar sound throughout all your land. 10 And you shall set-apart the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty
throughout all the land to all the inhabitants of it: it shall be a yovel to you; and you shall return every man to his
possession, and you shall return every man to his mishpacha.
利未记 Leviticus 25:8-10 "你要计算七个安息年,就是七七年。这便为你成了七个安息年,共是四十九年。当年七月初十日,你要大发角声;这日就是赎罪日,要在遍地发出角声。第五十年,你们要当作圣年,在遍地给一切的居民宣告自由。这年必为你们的禧年,各人要归自己的产业,各归本家。
雅煞81:3 And the sojourning of the children of Israel, who dwelt in the
land of Egypt in hard labor, was two hundred and ten years.
雅煞81:3以色列人寄居在埃及的土地上辛勤劳作, 是210年。
雅煞4 And at the end of two hundred and ten years, YaHuWaH brought forth
the children of Israel from Egypt with a strong hand.
雅煞81:4在210年末, 【雅吾瓦】用大能的手把以色列的儿女从埃及领出来。
创Gen 45:6 For these two years
have the famine been in the land: and yet there are still five more years, in which
there shall be neither plowing nor harvest.
创Gen 45:6现在这地的饥荒已经二年了,还有五年不能耕种,不能收成。
出Exo12:41 And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty
years, even on the very same day of their entry, it came to pass, that all the
divisions of vuvh went out from the land of Mitzrayim.
出Exo 12:41正满了四百三十年的那一天,【雅吾瓦】的军队都从埃及地出来了。
创Gen 5:3 And Ahdahm lived a hundred thirty years,
and begat a son in his own likeness, after his own image; and called his name
创Gen 5:3亚当活到一百三十岁,生了一个儿子,形象样式和自己相似,就给他起名叫塞特。
禧年书Jubilees 4:7 And Adam and his wife mourned for Abel four weeks of years,
and in the second year of the fifth week [130 A.M.] they became joyful, and
Adam knew his wife again, and she bare him a son, and he called his name Seth;
禧年书Jubilees 4:7亚当和妻子为亚伯哀悼了四个七年 。到了第五个七年的第二年, 他们的心中才再有喜乐。亚当与妻子同房,她就生了一个儿子。亚当给他起名叫塞特,
创Gen 5:6 And Sheth lived a hundred five years, and begat Enosh:
创Gen 5:6塞特活到一百零五岁,生了以挪士。
禧年书Jubilees 4:11 And in the fifth week of the fifth jubilee Seth took
Azura hissister to be his wife, and in the seventh year of the fifth week [235
A.M.] she bare him Enos.
禧年书Jubilees 4:11第五个禧年的第五个七年,塞特娶了他的妹子雅朔拉为妻。在同一个七年的第六年,她生了一个儿子,起名叫以挪士。
禧年书Jubilees 12 He began to call on the NAME
of YAHUWAH on the earth.
禧年书Jubilees 12以挪士是第一个在地上求告【雅吾瓦】名的人
创Gen 5:9 And Enosh lived ninety years, and begat Kenan:
创Gen 5:9以挪士活到九十岁,生了该南。
禧年书Jubilees 4:13 And in the seventh jubilee
in the third week Enos took Noam his sister to be his wife, and she bare him a
son in the fourth year of the fourth week[325 A.M.], and he called his name
禧年书Jubilees 4:13第七个禧年的第三个七年,以挪士娶了妹子挪菁为妻。到了第四个七年的第四年,她生了一个儿子。以挪士给他起名叫该南。
禧年书Jubilees 4:13 And in the seventh jubilee
in the third week Enos took Noam his sister to be his wife, and she bare him a
son in the fourth year of the fourth week[325 A.M.], and he called his name
禧年书Jubilees 4:13第七个禧年的第三个七年,以挪士娶了妹子挪菁为妻。到了第四个七年的第四年,她生了一个儿子。以挪士给他起名叫该南。
创Gen 5: 12 And Kenan lived seventy years, and begat Mahalal-El:
创Gen 5:12该南活到七十岁,生了玛勒列。
禧年书Jubilees 4:14 And at the eighth jubilee ,Kenan took Mualeleth his sister to be his
wife, and she bare him a son in the eighth jubilee, in the seven week in the
third year of this week, [395 A.M] and he called his name Mahalalel.\
禧年书Jubilees 4:14第八个禧年,该南娶了妹子抹利拉〔为〕妻。到了第八个禧年,第七个年七年的第三年,她生了一个儿子。该南给他起名叫玛勒列。
创Gen 5: 15 And Mahalal-El lived sixty-five years, and begat Yared:
创Gen 5:15玛勒列活到六十五岁,生了雅列。
禧年书Jubilees 4:15 And in the second week of
the tenth jubilee ,Mahalalel too kunto him to wife DinaH, the
daughter of Barakiel the daughter of his father's brother, and she bare him a
son in the second week in the third year, [460 A.M.]and he called his name
Jared, for in his days the malakim of YaHuWaH descended on the earth, those who
are named the Watchers, that they should instruct the children of men, and that
they should do judgment and uprightness on the earth.
禧年书Jubilees 4:15第十个禧年的第二个七年,玛勒列为自己娶妻,娶了他父亲兄弟巴拉基耳的女儿底拿作妻子。到了第二个七年的第三年,她生了一个儿子。玛勒列给他起名叫雅列,因为在他的日子,【雅吾瓦】的天使一一又称为守望的圣者下凡并教导人的儿子,并在地上施行审判与公义。
创Gen 5: 18 And Yared lived a hundred sixty-two years, and he begat
创Gen 5:18雅列活到一百六十二岁,生了以诺。
禧年书Jubilees 4:16 And in the thirteenth jubilee Jared took to himself a wife,
and her name was Baraka, the daughter of Rasujal, a daughter of his father's
brother, in the third week of this jubilee, and she bare him a son in the
fourth week, in the first year of the jubilee [622A.M.] and he called his name
禧年书Jubilees 4:16第十三个禧年的第三个七年, 雅列为自己娶妻,妻子名叫巴拉迦,是他父亲兄弟拉扫雅的女儿。同一个禧年,第四个七年的第一年,她生了一个儿子。雅列给他起名叫以诺。
创Gen 5:21 And Chanoch (Enoch以诺)lived sixty-five years, and begat Metushelach:
创Gen 5:21以诺活到六十五岁,生了玛土撒拉。
禧年书Jubilees 4:17 And he was the first among men that are
born on earth who learnt writing and knowledge and wisdom and who wrote down
the signs of heaven according to the order of their months in a book, that men
might know the seasons of the years according to the order of their separate
禧年书Jubilees 4:17在人的儿子〔中〕,在所有生于地上的人〔当中〕,以诺是头一个学习写字、知识和智能的人。他把天上的记号,按照月份的次序,一一写在书上,好叫世人认识各年份的〔特定〕时间,各按各的次序,各随各的月份。
禧年书Jubilees 4:18 And he was the first to write a
testimony and he testified to the sons of men among the generations of the
earth, and recounted the weeks of the jubilees, and made known to them the days of the
years, and set in order the months and recounted the Shabbats of the years as
we made them, known to him.
禧年书Jubilees 4:18以诺也是头一个把证言写下来的人,向地上世世代代的子孙作见证。他以禧年的计算方法记述每个七年所发生的事,使后人能够认识。又编排年月,记录各年的安息日,正如我们所晓谕他的。
禧年书Jubilees 4:20 And in the fourteenth
jubilee, in the sixth week thereof, he took to himself a wife, and her name was
Edna, the daughter of Daniel, the daughter of his father's brother, and in the
second year in this week [687 A.M.] she
bare him a son and he called his name Methuselah.
禧年书Jubilees 4:20第十四个禧年的第六个七年,以诺为自己娶妻,妻子名叫爱德妮,是他父亲兄弟但现的女儿。同一个七年的第二年,她生了一个儿子。以诺给他起名叫玛土撒拉。
创Gen 5: 25 And Metushelach lived a hundred eighty seven years, and begat
创Gen 5:25玛土撒拉活到一百八十七岁,生了拉麦。
禧年书Jubilees 4:27 And
in the eighteenth jubilee Methuselah took unto himself a wife, Edna the
daughter of Azrial, the daughter of his father's brother, in the fourth week,
in the third year of this week, [874A.M.] and he begat a son and called his
name Lamech.
禧年书Jubilees 4:27第十八个禧年,第四个七年玛土撒拉娶爱德娜为妻,她是他父亲兄弟亚斯利欧的女儿。
The Book of Jasher
雅煞Jasher 3:14 拉麦56岁时,亚当死了,亚当活了930岁,他的两个儿子,连同以诺和他的儿子玛土撒拉一起将他葬在至高全能者所指示的洞里,如同其他王一样。
雅煞Jasher 3:14 And it was in the fifty-sixth year of the life of Lamech when
Adam died; nine hundred and thirty years old was he at his death, and his two
sons, with Chanoch and Metushelach his son, buried him with great pomp, as at
the burial of kings, in the cave which YaHuWaH had told him.
创Gen 5:4 And the days of Ahdahm after he had begotten Sheth were eight
hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters:
创Gen 5:4 亚當生塞特之後,又在世八百年,並且生兒養女。
创Gen 5:5 And all the days that Ahdahm lived were nine hundred thirty
years: and he died.
创Gen 5:5 亚當共活了九百三十歲就死了。. 130+800=930
The Book of Jasher
雅煞4:1、2. 玛土撒拉的儿子拉麦113岁时,以诺升天,地上的君王拥他的儿子玛土撒拉为王并膏他,使他代替他的父亲管理他们。
雅煞Jasher 4:1 And all the days that Chanoch lived upon earth, were three
hundred and sixty-five years.
雅煞Jasher 4:2 In the one hundred and thirtieth year of the life of Lemech
the son of Metushelach, Chanoch (Enoch以诺 ) ascended to the heavens. And when Chanoch (Enoch以诺 ) had ascended into heaven, all the kings of the earth rose and
took Metushelach his son and anointed him, and they caused him to reign over
them in the place of his father.
创Gen 5:22 And Chanoch(Enoch以诺) had his halacha with Aloahiym after he begat Metushelach three
hundred years, and begat sons and daughters:
创Gen 5:22 以诺生瑪土撒拉之後,與至高全能者同行三百年,並且生兒養女。
创Gen 5:23 And all the days of Chanoch(Enoch以诺) were three hundred sixty five years:
创Gen 5:24 And Chanoch(Enoch以诺) had his halacha with Aloahiym and he was not; for Aloahiym took
创Gen世记 5:23-24以诺共活了三百六十五岁。以诺与至高全能者同行,至高全能者同行将他取去,他就不在世了。
The Book of Jasher
雅煞Jasher 4:9. 那些日子玛土撒拉的儿子拉麦活到168岁,亚当的儿子塞特死了。
雅煞Jasher 4:10. 塞特活了912年就死了
雅煞Jasher 4:9 In those days when Lamech the son of Metushelach was one
hundred and sixty ehgith years old, Shet the son of Adam died.
雅煞Jasher 4:10 And all the days that Shet lived, were nine hundred and
twelve years, and he died.
创Gen 5:8 And all the days of Sheth were nine
hundred twelve years: and he died. 105+807=912
创Gen 5:8塞特共活了九百一十二岁就死了。
创Gen5:28 And Lamech lived a hundred eighty two years, and begat a son
禧年书Jubilees 4:28 And in the twenty-second
jubilee in the first week Lamech took to himself a wife ,and her name was Betenos the daughter of Baraki'il, the daughter of his father's brother, and in the sixth year of this week[1056A.M.]
she bare him a son and he called his name Noah, saying, 'This one will comfort me for my trouble and all my work, and for the ground which YaHuWaH has cursed.'
禧年书Jubilees 4:28第二十二个禧年的第一个七年,拉麦为自己娶妻,妻子名叫比蒂诺,是他父亲兄弟巴拉基伊的女儿。同一个七年的第六年,她给拉麦生了一个儿子,他给他起名叫挪亚,说「这儿子必因我的忧伤、我一切的劳苦和这地受【雅吾瓦】咒诅的缘故而安慰我。
创Gen 5:29 And he called his name Noach, saying, This one shall comfort
us concerning our work and toil of our hands, because of the ground that YaHuWaH has cursed.
创Gen 5:29给他起名叫挪亚,说:"这个儿子必为我们的操作和手中的劳苦安慰我们;这操作劳苦是因为【雅吾瓦】咒诅地。”
雅煞Jasher 5:1 And it came to pass in the eighty-fourth year of the life of
Noach, that Enosh the son of Shet died, he was nine hundred and five years old
at his death.
雅煞5:1. 挪亚活到84岁时,塞特的儿子以挪士共活了905岁死了。
创Gen 5:10 And Enosh lived after he begat Kenan eight hundred fifteen
years, and begat sons and daughters:
创Gen 5:10 以挪士生該南之後,又活了八百一十五年,並且生兒養女。
创Gen 5:11 And all the days of Enosh were nine hundred five years: and he died.
创Gen 5:11 以挪士共活了九百零五歲就死了。 90+815=905
雅煞Jasher 5:2 And in the one hundred and seventy ninth year of the life of
Noach, Kayinan the son of Enosh died, and all the days of Kayinan were nine
hundred and ten years, and he died.
雅煞Jasher 5:2. 挪亚179岁时,以挪士的儿子该南死了,该南共活了910岁就死了。
创Gen 5:13 And Kenan lived after he
begat Mahalal-El eight hundred forty years, and begat sons and daughters:
创Gen 5:13 該南生瑪勒列之後,又活了八百四十年,並且生兒養女。
创Gen 514 And all the days of Kenan were
nine hundred ten years:and he died.
创Gen 5:14 該南共活了九百一十歲就死了。 70+840=910
雅煞Jasher 5:3. 挪亚234岁时,该南的儿子玛勒列死了。玛勒列共活了895岁就死了。
雅煞Jasher 5:3 And in the two hundred and thirty fourth year of the life of
Noach, Mahalal'el the son of Kayinan died, and the days of Mahalal'el were
eight hundred and ninety-five years, and he died.
创Gen 5:16 And Mahalal-El lived after he begat Yared eight hundred
thirty years, and begat sons and daughters: 17 And all the days of Mahalal-El were eight hundred ninety five years: and he died.
创Gen 5:16 瑪勒列生雅列之後,又活了八百三十年,並且生兒養女。
创Gen 5:17 瑪勒列共活了八百九十五歲就死了。 65+830=895
雅煞Jasher 5:4 And Yered the son of Mahalal'el died in those days, in the
three hundred and thirty-sixth year of the life of Noach; and all the days of
Yered were nine hundred and sixty-two years, and he died.
雅煞Jasher 5:4. 那时,挪亚活到366岁时,玛勒列的儿子雅列死了。雅列共活了962岁就死了。
创Gen 5:19 And Yared lived after he begat Chanoch eight hundred years,
and begat sons and daughters:
创Gen 5:19 雅列生以諾之後,又活了八百年,並且生兒養女。
创Gen 5:20 And all the days of Yared were nine hundred sixty two years: and he died.
创Gen 5:20 雅列共活了九百六十二歲就死了。
雅煞Jasher 5:14 And YaHuWaH said unto Noach, Take unto you a wife, and beget children, for
I have seen you righteous before me in this generation.
雅煞Jasher 5:15 And you shall raise up seed, and your children with you, in
the midst of the earth; and Noach went and took a wife, and he chose Naamah the
daughter of Chanoch(Enoch), and she was five hundred and eighty years old
雅煞Jasher 5:15于是挪亚便娶了以诺的女儿拿玛为妻,拿玛当时五百八十岁。
雅煞Jasher 5:16 And Noach was four
hundred and ninety-eight years old, when he took Naamah for a wife.
雅煞Jasher 5:16挪亚在四百九十八岁时,娶拿玛为妻。
雅煞Jasher 5:17 And Naamah
conceived and bare a son, and he called his name Yefet, saying, Aloahiym has
enlarged me in the earth; and she conceived again and bare a son, and he called
his name Ham, saying, Elohim has made me a remnant, to raise up seed in the
midst of the earth
雅煞5:17拿玛怀孕生子,挪亚给孩子起名叫雅弗,说:"至高全能者让我在地上大大扩张。”拿玛又怀孕生 一个儿子,挪亚给孩子起名 2, 叫含, 意思是说, 至高全能者使我成为余民, 在地上生养众多。.
18 And Noach was five hundred and two years old when Naamah bare
Shem, and the boys grew up and went in the ways of YaHuWaH, in all that Metushelach and Noach their father taught them.
创Gen 5:32 And Noach was five hundred years old: and Noach begat Yahpheth, Ham, and. Shem
创Gen 5:32 挪亚五百歲生了雅弗、含、閃。
雅煞Jasher 5:19拉麦在世的日子是七百七十岁,他在挪亚595岁时死了。
雅煞Jasher 5:20. 拉麦共活了777岁就死了。
创Gen 5:30 And Lamech lived after he begat Noach five hundred ninety
five years, and begat sons and daughters:
创Gen 5:30 拉麥生挪亚之後,又活了五百九十五年,並且生兒養女。
创Gen 5:31 And all the days of Lamech were seven hundred seventy seven
years: and he died.
创Gen 5:31 拉麥共活了七百七十七歲就死了。 182+595=777
创Gen 5:26 And Metushelach lived after he begat Lamech seven hundred
eighty two years, and begat sons and daughters:
创Gen 5:26 瑪土撒拉生拉麥之後,又活了七百八十二年,並且生兒養女。
创Gen 5:27 And all the days
of Metushelach were nine hundred sixty nine years: and he died.
创Gen世记 5:27 玛土撒拉共活了九百六十九岁就死了。 187+782=969
雅煞Jasher 5:36 And it was at that time Metushelach the son of Chanoch (Enoch)
died, nine hundred and sixty nine years old was he, at his death.
雅煞Jasher 5:36那日,以诺的儿子,玛土撒拉死了。玛土撒拉在世的日子是九百六十九岁。
雅煞Jasher 6:1 And it came to pass at that time Metushelach died the son of
Chanoch(Enoch), and was nine hundred sixty nine years old at his death. At that time after the death of Metushelach, YaHuWaH said to Noach, Go you with your house into the ark; behold I
will gather to you all the animals of the earth, the beasts of the field and
the fowls of the heavens, and they shall all come and surround the ark
雅煞Jasher 6:1那时日,在玛土撒拉死了以后,【雅吾瓦】对挪亚说:"你和你的全家都要进入方舟。
创Gen7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noach's chayim, in the second
month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of
the great deep broken up, and the windows of the shamayim were opened.
创Gen 11:10 These are the generations of Shem: Shem was a hundred years old, and begat Arphaxad two years
after the flood:
创Gen11:12 And Arphaxad lived thirty-five years, and begat Salah:
创Gen11:14 And Salah lived thirty years, and begat Ever:
创Gen11:16 And Ever lived thirty-four years, and begat Peleg:
创Gen11:18 And Peleg lived thirty years, and begat Reu:
创Gen11:20 And Reu lived thirty-two years, and begat Serug:
创Gen11:22 And Serug lived thirty years, and begat Nachor:
创Gen11:24 And Nachor lived twenty nine years, and begat Terach:
创Gen10:25 希伯生了兩個兒子,一個名叫法勒〔法勒就是分的意思〕,因為那時人就分地居住。法勒的兄弟名叫約坍。
雅煞Jasher 7:20 And the name of the second was Yoktan, meaning that in his
day the lives of the sons of man were diminished and lessened.
雅煞Jasher 7:20:第二个儿子名叫约坍,意思是,那时人的时日在缩短,寿数在减少。
雅煞Jasher 7:22 And Peleg his brother begat Ro, and Ro begat Serug, and Serug
begat Nachor and Nachor begat Terach,
and Terach(他拉 )was thirty-eight years old, and he begat Charan(哈兰) and Nachor(拿鹤).
雅煞Jasher 7:22约坍的哥哥法勒,生了拉吴,拉吴生西鹿,西鹿生拿鹤,拿鹤生他拉,他拉三十八岁时, 生了哈兰和拿鹤。
创Gen11:26 And Terach lived seventy years, and begat Avram, Nachor, and
雅煞Jasher 9:2 Charan was thirty-nine years old when he took her; and the
wife of Charan conceived and bare a son, and he called his name Lot.
雅煞Jasher 9:2 哈兰三十九岁时娶妻,哈兰的妻子就怀孕生子,哈兰给孩子起名叫罗得。
雅煞Jasher 9:3 And she conceived again and bare a daughter, and she called
her name Milka; and she again conceived and bare a daughter, and she called her
name Sarai.
雅煞Jasher 9:3 哈兰的妻子又怀孕生了一个女儿,她给女儿起名叫密迦。哈兰的妻子再次怀孕,又生了一个女儿,她给女儿起名叫撒莱。
雅煞Jasher 9:4 Charan was forty-two years old when he begat Sarai, which was
in the tenth year of the life of Avram; and in those days Avram and his mother
and nurse went out from the cave, as the king and his subjects had forgotten
the affair of Avram.
雅煞Jasher 9:4 哈兰四十二岁时,生了撒莱。那时亚伯兰正好十岁,他和他的母亲及奶母就离开了山中洞穴。而宁录和他的谋士早已经将亚伯兰的事忘记了。
雅煞Jasher 9:6 And Avram was in Noach's house thirty-nine years, and Avram
knew YaHuWaH from three years old, and he went in
the ways of YHWH until the day of his death, as Noach and his son Shem had
taught him; and all the sons of the earth in those days greatly transgressed
against YaHuWaH, and they rebelled against him and
they served other gods, and they forgot YaHuWaH who had created them in the earth; and the inhabitants of the
earth made unto themselves, at that time, every man his god; gods of wood and
stone which could neither speak, hear, nor deliver, and the sons of man served
them and they became their gods.
雅煞Jasher 9:6.亚伯兰在挪亚家里住了39年,他从三岁就认识【雅吾瓦】,直到死都行【雅吾瓦】的道,正如挪亚和闪所教导他的。那时,地上的人大大的悖逆至高全能者。不听从【雅吾瓦】至高全能者的诫命,侍奉敬拜假神和偶像,
他们忘记了【雅吾瓦】造他们,并将他们安置在地上。地上的每一个人都为自己雕刻一个偶像,作他自己的神,或用木头,或用石头。 虽然这些木、石所刻之物不能说,也不能听,更不能拯救人,但是人依然跪拜这些木、石所刻之物,尊为自己的神。
雅煞Jasher 10:1 And Peleg the son of Ever died in those days, in the forty-eighth
year of the life of Avram son of Terach, and all the days of Peleg were two
hundred and thirty-nine years, and he died.
雅煞Jasher 9:1 他拉的儿子亚伯兰四十八岁时,希伯的儿子法勒死了,法勒在世的日子是二百三十九岁。
创Gen 11:18 And Peleg lived thirty years, and begat Reu:
创Gen 11:18 法勒活到三十歲,生了拉吳。
创Gen 11:19 And Peleg lived after he begat Reu two hundred and nine
years, and begat sons and daughters. 30+209=239
创Gen 11:19 法勒生拉吳之後,又活了二百零九年,並且生兒養女。
雅煞Jasher 11:13 And in the fifty year of the life of Avram son of Terach,
Avram came forth from the house of Noach, and went to his father's house.
雅煞Jasher 11:13亚伯兰五十岁时,离开了挪亚的家,回到自己的父家。
雅煞Jasher 11:14 And Avram knew YaHuWaH, and he went in his ways and traditions of YaHuWaH,, and YaHuWaH, his Aloahiym was with him.
雅煞Jasher 11:14亚伯兰遵守【雅吾瓦】至高全能者的诫命,行【雅吾瓦】的道;【雅吾瓦】至高全能者与他同在。
雅煞Jasher 13:5 Arise now, take your wife and all belonging to you and go to
the land of Kanaan and remain there, and I will there be unto you for an Aloahiym,
and I will bless you. And Avram rose and took his wife and all belonging to
him, and he went to the land of Kanaan as YaHuWaH had told him; and Avram was fifty-five years old when he went
from Charan.
雅煞Jasher 13:5【雅吾瓦】说:"起来,带上你的妻子和你所有的,往迦南地去,住在那里;我与你同在,我是你的至高全能者,我的祝福随着你。”亚伯兰于是带着他的妻子撒莱和他所有的,前往迦南,如至高全能者所指示的那样。亚伯兰离开哈兰时,五十五岁。
雅煞Jasher 13:9 At the end of three years of Avram's dwelling in the Land, in
that year Noach died, which was the fifty-nineth year of the life of Avram; and
all the days that Noach lived were nine hundred and fifty-five years and he
雅煞Jasher 13:9在亚伯兰进迦南后的第三年,挪亚死了。那时亚伯兰五十九岁。诺亚在世的日子是九百五十岁。
创Gen9:28 And Noach lived after the flood three hundred fifty
创Gen9:28 洪水以後,挪亚又活了三百五十年。 600+350=950
创Gen9:29 And all the days of Noach were nine hundred fifty years: and he died.
创Gen9:29 挪亚共活了九百五十岁就死了。
雅煞Jasher 13:17 And it was in the fifteenth year of Avram's dwelling in the
Land, which is the seventy year of the life of Avram, and YaHuWaH appeared to Avram in that year and he
said to him, I am YaHuWaHwho brought you out from Ur Kasdim36 to give you this land for an inheritance.
雅煞Jasher 13:17:亚伯兰住在迦南地的第十五年,那时他七十岁;【雅吾瓦】至高全能者对亚伯兰说:"我是带你出卡斯汀吾珥的至高全能者,我将这地赐你,作你的产业。”
雅煞Jasher 13:18 Now therefore walk before me and be perfect and keep my
commands, for to you and to your seed I will give this land for an inheritance,
from the river Mitzraim unto the great river Euphrates.
雅煞Jasher 13:18"你当守我的诫命,作完全人,行走在我面前,我就把这地赐给你和你的后裔为业,从米兹拉河直到幼发拉底河。
19 And you shall come to your fathers in peace and in good age,
and the fourth generation shall return here in this land and shall inherit it
forever; and Avram built an altar, and he called upon the name of YaHuWaH who appeared to him, and he brought
up sacrifices upon the altar to YaHuWaH.
雅煞Jasher 13:19"你将足享寿数,平安地归到你列祖那里,你的第四代后裔,将会回到这里,继承这地直到永远。”亚伯兰就为【雅吾瓦】至高全能者筑了一座坛,称呼至高全能者的名,又在坛上为【雅吾瓦】献祭。
创Gen 15:16 到了第四代,他們必回到此地,因為亚摩利人的罪孽還沒有滿盈。 ”
雅煞Jasher 13:20 At that time Avram returned and went to Charan to see his
father and mother, and his father's house, and Avram and his wife and all
belonging to him returned to Charan, and Avram dwelt in Charan five years.
雅煞Jasher 13:20这事以后,亚伯兰和他妻子,带着他们所有的财物及随从又回到了哈兰;去看望他父亲和母亲,及父家所有的人。亚伯兰在哈兰住了五年。
雅煞Jasher 13:22 In those days YaHuWaH appeared to Avram in Charan, and he said to him, Behold, I
spoke unto you these twenty years back saying,
雅煞Jasher 13:22亚伯兰在哈兰的日子里,【雅吾瓦】至高全能者向他显现,对他说:"我二十年前对你说过。”
雅煞Jasher 13:23 Go forth from your land, from your birth-place and from your
father's house, to the land which I have shown you to give it to you and to
your children, for there in that land will I bless you, and make you a great
nation, and make your name great, and in you shall the families of the earth be
雅煞Jasher 13:23"离开这地,离开你的出生之地,离开你的父家之地,到我给你和你后裔的应许之地去,在那里,我的祝福随着你,你会成为一个大国,你的名为大,你的后裔也会因你得福。
雅煞Jasher 13:24 Now therefore arise, go forth from this place, you, your
wife, and all belonging to you, and also every one born in your house and all
the souls you have made in Charan, and bring them out with you from here, and
rise to return to the land of Kanaan.
雅煞Jasher 13:24"现在起来,离开这地,带着你的妻子,你的财物,所有在你家里出生的,以及在哈兰追随你的人,带着他们离开这地,返回迦南地去。
雅煞Jasher 13:25 And Avram arose and took his wife Sarai and al belonging to
him and all that were born to him in his house and the souls which they had
made in Charan, and they came out to go to the land of Kanaan.
雅煞Jasher 13:25亚伯兰就起来,带着他妻子撒莱和他的财物、所有在他家出生的、及在哈兰地追随他的人,就往迦南去了。
雅煞Jasher 13:26 And Avram went and returned to the land of Kanaan, according
to the Word of YaHuWaH.
And Lot the son of his brother Charan went with him, and Avram was seventy-five years old when he went forth
from Charan to return to the land of Kanaan.
雅煞Jasher 13:26亚伯兰就照着【雅吾瓦】至高全能者的吩咐去行,返回迦南。那年,亚伯兰七十五岁。他哥哥哈兰的儿子罗得,也与亚伯兰一同前去迦南。
雅煞Jasher 13:27 And he came to the land of Kanaan according to the Word of YaHuWaH to Avram, and he pitched his tent and
he dwelt in the plain of Mamre, and with him was Lot his brother's son, and all
belonging to him.
雅煞Jasher 13:27亚伯兰照着【雅吾瓦】至高全能者的话,回到迦南地,就在幔利平原支搭帐篷,住了下来。他哥哥的儿子罗得,及所有人 都住了下来。
雅煞Jasher 13:28 And YaHuWaH again appeared to Avram and said, To your seed will I give this
land; and he there built an altar to YaHuWaH who appeared to him, which is still to this day in the plains
of Mamre.
雅煞13:28 【雅吾瓦】至高全能者再一次向亚伯兰显现,说:"我要把这地赐给你的后裔。”亚伯兰就在那里为向他显现的【雅吾瓦】至高全能者,筑了一座坛,直到今日,这坛还在幔利平原。
创Gen 12:1 Now YaHuWaH had said to Avram, Get out of your country, and from your
mishpacha, and from your abba's bayit, to a land that I will show you: 2 And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great; and you shall be a bracha: 3 And I will bless them that bless you, and curse him that curses you: and in you shall all mishpachot of the earth be blessed -
创Gen 12:1~3【雅吾瓦】对亚伯兰说:"你要离开本地、本族、父家,往我所要指示你的地去。 我必叫你成为大国。我必赐福给你,叫你的名为大;你也要叫别人得福。 为你祝福的,我必赐福与他;那咒诅你的,我必咒诅他。地上的万族都要因你得福。”
创Gen 12:4 So Avram departed, as vuvh had spoken to him; and Lot went
with him: and Avram was seventy-five years old when he departed out of
创Gen 12:4 亚伯兰就照著【雅吾瓦】的吩咐去了,羅得也和他同去。亚伯兰出哈兰的時候年七十五歲。
7 And this I say, that the Brit, that was confirmed by YaHuWaH through Moshiach, the Torah, that
came four hundred and thirty years later, cannot nullify the Avrahamic brit, so
that it should make the promise of no effect.
加拉太书Galatians 3:17 我是这么说:【雅吾瓦】預先所立的約,不能被那四百三十年以后的律法废掉,叫应许归于虚空。
出Exo12:41 And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty
years, even on the very same day of their entry, it came to pass, that all the
divisions of vuvh went out from the land of Mitzrayim.
出Exo 12:41正满了四百三十年的那一天,【雅吾瓦】的军队都从埃及地出来了。
四百三十年后出埃及, 2022+430=2452
禧年书Jubilees 50:4因为这个缘故,我为你们定了七年、安息年和禧年。从亚当到今日,总共经过了四十九个禧年又一个七年零两年(50*49=2450+2=2452,西奈山顶)。他们还有四十年去学习【雅吾瓦】的命令。之后要渡过约旦河,去到河的西岸。他们要渡到迦南地的岸边。看下图红色2452
禧年书Jubilees 50:4 Wherefore I have ordained for you the year-weeks and the years
and the jubilees: there are
forty-nine jubilees from the days of Adam until this day, [2452A.M.] and one
week and two years: and there are yet
forty (40)years
to come (lit.distant') for learning the commandments of YAHUWAH, until they pass over into the land
of Canaan, crossing the Jordan to the west.
禧年书Jubilees 50:4因为这个缘故,我为你们定了七年、年和禧年。从亚当到今日,总共经过了四十九个禧年又一个七年零两年(50*49=2450+2=2452,西奈山顶)。他们还有四十年去学习【雅吾瓦】的命令。之后要渡过约旦河,去到河的西岸。他们要渡到迦南地的岸边。
创Gen 45:6 For these two years have the famine been in the land: and yet there are still five more years, in which there shall
be neither plowing nor harvest.
创Gen 45:6现在这地的饥荒已经二年了,还有五年不能耕种,不能收成。 5年不能耕种
雅煞Jasher 81:3 And the sojourning of the children of Israel, who dwelt in the
land of Egypt in hard labor, was two hundred and ten years.
雅煞Jasher 81:4 And at the end of two hundred and ten years, YHWH brought
forth the children of Israel from Egypt with a strong hand.
雅煞Jasher 81:3以色列人寄居在埃及的土地上辛勤劳作, 是210年。
雅煞Jasher 81:4在210年末, 【雅吾瓦】用大能的手把以色列的儿女从埃及领出来。
创Gen 12:4 So Avram departed, as vuvh had spoken to him; and Lot went
with him: and Avram was seventy-five years old when he departed out of
创Gen 12:4 亚伯兰就照著【雅吾瓦】的吩咐去了,羅得也和他同去。亚伯兰出哈兰的時候年七十五歲。
创Gen 21:55And Avraham was one hundred years old, when his son Yitzchak
was born to him.
创Gen 21:5他儿子以撒生的时候,亚伯拉罕年一百岁。
以撒出生 国度与后裔之约~~已来到第25年,
创Gen 21:55And Avraham was one hundred years old, when his son Yitzchak
was born to him.
创Gen 21:5他儿子以撒生的时候,亚伯拉罕年一百岁。
雅煞Jasher 21:9 At that time Serug the son of Reu died, in the one year of the
birth of Yitz’chak son of Avraham.
雅煞Jasher 21:9亚伯拉罕的儿子以撒一周岁时,拉吴的儿子西鹿死了。
雅煞Jasher 21:10 And all the days of Serug were two hundred and thirtynine
years, and he died.
雅煞Jasher 21:10西鹿在世的日子是二百三十岁。
创Gen 11:22 And Serug lived thirty years, and begat Nachor:
创Gen 11:22 西鹿活到三十歲,生了拿鶴。
创Gen 11:23 And Serug lived after he begat Nachor two hundred years, and
begat sons and daughters.
创Gen 11:23 西鹿生拿鶴之後,又活了二百年,並且生兒養女。30+200=230
雅煞Jasher 22:33 And Terach died in that year, that is in the thirty-fifth
year of the birth of Yitz’chak son of Avraham.
雅煞Jasher 22:33亚伯拉罕的儿子以撒三十五岁时,他拉死了。
雅煞Jasher 22:34 And it came to pass the days of Terach were two hundred and
five years, and he was buried in Charan.
雅煞Jasher 22:34他拉在世的日子是二百零五岁,死后,埋在哈兰。
创Gen 11:32 And the days of Terach were two hundred five years and Terach
died in Charan. 70+100+35=205
创Gen 11:32 他拉共活了二百零五歲,就死在哈兰。
简单解释一下:他拉70 岁生亚伯兰,亚伯兰100岁生以撒时,他拉170岁,以撒35岁时,他拉205岁,70+100+35=205
雅煞Jasher 25:28 And Riv’kah the daughter of Betuel, the wife of Avraham's son
Yitz’chak, was barren in those days, she had no offspring; and Yitz’chak dwelt
with his father in the land of Kanaan; and YaHuWaH was with Yitz’chak; and Arpachshad the son of Shem the son of
Noach died in those days, in the forty-eighth year of the life of Yitz’chak, and all the days that Arpachshad
lived were four hundred and thirty-eight years,
and he died.
雅煞Jasher 25:28亚伯拉罕的儿子以撒的妻子,彼士利的女儿利百加,那时没有生育。以撒和父亲亚伯拉罕一起,住在迦南。【雅吾瓦】至高全能者与以撒同在。以撒四十八岁时,亚法撒死了,亚法撒在世的日子是四百三十八岁。亚法撒是闪的儿子,闪是挪亚的儿子。
创Gen 11:12 And Arphaxad lived thirty-five years, and begat Salah:
创Gen 11:12亚法撒活到三十五岁,生了沙拉。
创Gen 11:13 And Arphaxad lived after he begat Salah four hundred three
years, and begat sons and daughters.
创Gen 11:13亚法撒生沙拉之后又活了四百零三年,并且生儿养女。35+403=438
创Gen 25:26 And after that came out his brother, and his hand took hold
on Esav's heel; and his name was called Yaakov: and Yitzchak was sixty years old when she bore them.
创Gen 25:26随后又生了以扫的兄弟,手抓住以扫的脚跟,因此给他起名叫雅各("雅各”就是"抓住”的意思)。利百加生下两个儿子的时候,以撒年正六十岁。
从亚当起,到【雅吾瓦】与亚伯兰立约国度及后裔之约时是2022年,亚伯兰100岁生以撒时,国度及后裔之约已经有25年,以撒60岁生雅各 ,
雅煞Jasher 26:29 And it was at that time that Avraham died, in the fifteenth
year of the life of Ya’akov and Esau, the sons of Yitz’chak, and all the days
of Avraham were one hundred and seventy-five years, and he died and was
gathered to his people in good old age, old and satisfied with days, and
Yitz’chak and
雅煞Jasher 26:29雅各和以扫十五岁时,亚伯拉罕死了。亚伯拉罕在世的日子是一百七十五岁。以撒和以实玛利埋葬了亚伯拉罕。
雅煞Jasher 28:17 And after this Shelach the son at Arpachshad died in that
year, which is the eighteenth year of the lives of Ya’akov and Esau; and all
the days that Shelach lived were four hundred and thirty-three years and he died.
雅煞Jasher 28:17在雅各和以扫十八岁那年,亚法撒的儿子沙拉死了。沙拉在世的日子是四百三十三岁。
创Gen 11:14 And Salah lived thirty years, and begat Ever:
创Gen 11:15 And Salah lived after he begat Ever four hundred three years,
and begat sons and daughters.
创Gen 11:14 沙拉活到三十岁,生了希伯。
创Gen 11:15 沙拉生希伯之後,又活了四百零三年,並且生兒養女。30+403=433
雅煞Jasher 28:18 At that time Yitz’chak sent his younger son Ya’akov to the
house of Shem and Ever, and he learned the tradition of YaHuWaH and his Torah, and Ya’akov remained
in the house of Shem and Ever for thirty-two years, and Esau his brother did not go, for he was not willing
to go, and he remained in his father's house in the land of Kanaan.
雅煞Jasher 28:18以撒就把他的小儿子雅各送到闪和希伯的家里,让雅各在闪和希伯那里学习【雅吾瓦】至高全能者的诫命。雅各就在闪和希伯家里住了三十二年。雅各的哥哥以扫没有去。因为他不乐意去,就留在迦南地和父亲住在一起。
雅煞Jasher 28:24 And it came to pass in those days, in the hundred and tenth
year of the life of Yitz’chak, that is in the fifty year of the life of
Ya’akov, in that year died Shem the son of Noach; Shem was six hundred years
old at his death.
雅煞Jasher 28:24以撒一百一十岁那年,雅各正好五十岁。那年,挪亚的儿子闪死了。闪在世的日子是六百岁。
创Gen 11:11 And Shem lived after he begat Arphaxad five hundred years,
and begat sons and daughters.
创Gen 11:11 閃生亚法撒之後,又活了五百年,並且生兒養女。
雅煞Jasher 28:25 And when Shem died Ya’akov returned to
his father to Chevron which is in the land of Kanaan
雅煞Jasher 28:25闪死了以后,雅各就回到迦南地的希伯仑,与父亲同住。
雅煞Jasher 29:11 And Ya’akov was very much afraid of his brother Esau, and he
rose up and fled to the house of Ever the son of Shem, and he concealed himself
there on account of his brother, and Ya’akov was sixty-threeyears old when he went forth from the land of Kanaan from
Chevron, and Ya’akov was concealed in Ever's house fourteen years on account of
his brother Esau, and he there continued to learn the ways of YaHuWaH and his commandments.
雅煞Jasher 29:11雅各既做了这事,就非常害怕以扫,于是逃到闪的儿子希伯那里,以躲避他哥哥以扫的愤怒。雅各从迦南地的希伯仑出来,躲避以扫那年,正是六十三岁。雅各在希伯家住了十四年,一边躲避以扫,一边继续学习
雅煞Jasher 29:20 And at the end of fourteen years of Ya’akov's residing in the house of Ever, Ya’akov
desired to see his father and mother, and Ya’akov came to the house of his
father and mother to Chevron, and Esau had in those days forgotten
雅煞Jasher 29:20雅各为了躲避以扫的愤怒,在希伯家里连续住了十四年。在第十四年的年终,雅各思念父母,就回到希伯仑他父母的家里。那时,以扫对雅各的愤怒也早已平息。
雅煞Jasher 29:30 And Yitz’chak finished commanding Ya’akov and blessing him,
and he gave him many gifts, together with silver and gold, and he sent him
away; and Ya’akov hearkened to his father and mother; he kissed them and arose
and went to Padan-Aram; and Ya’akov was seventy-seven years old when he went out from the land of Kanaan from B’ersheva.
雅煞Jasher 29:30以撒对雅各吩咐完毕,又给了雅各祝福,并许多的财物和金子、银子。就打发雅各离开了。雅各听从父母的话语和吩咐,吻别父母后就离开家,去了巴旦亚兰。那年,正是雅各七十七岁,他离开了迦南地的别是巴。
雅煞Jasher 30:15 And in the second year of Ya’akov's dwelling in Charan, that
is in the seventy-ninth year of the life of
Ya’akov, in that year died Ever the son of Shem, he was four hundred and sixty-four years old at his
雅煞Jasher 30:15雅各住在哈兰(拉班家)的第二年,那年雅各正七十九岁,闪的儿子希伯死了。希伯在世的日子是四百六十四岁。
创Gen 11:16 And Ever lived thirty-four years, and begat Peleg:
创Gen 11:16 希伯活到三十四歲,生了法勒。34+430=464
创Gen 11:17 And Ever lived after he begat Peleg four hundred thirty
years, and begat sons and daughters.
创Gen 11:17 希伯生法勒之後,又活了四百三十年,並且生兒養女。
雅煞Jasher 31:21 And Elohim heard the voice of Rakhel, and Aloahiym
remembered, and opened her womb, and Rakhel conceived and bare a son, and she
said, Aloahiym has taken away my reproach, and she called his name Yosef,
saying, May the YaHuWaHadd to me another son; and Ya’akov was ninety-oneyears old when she bare him
雅煞Jasher 31:21至高全能者听了拉结的祷告,就使她怀孕,拉结生了一个儿子,拉结说:"至高全能者除去了我的羞辱。”拉结给孩子起名叫约瑟。说:"至高全能者会再给我一个儿子。”那年,雅各九十一岁。
创Gen 47:9 And Yaakov said to Pharaoh, The days of the years of my
pilgrimage are a hundred thirty years: few and evil have the days of the years of my chayim been, and
I have not attained to the days of the years of the chayim of my ahvot in the
days of their pilgrimage.
创Gen 47:9 雅各對法老說:"我寄居在世的年日是一百三十岁,我平生的年日又少又苦,不及我列祖在世寄居的年日。 ”
从亚当起,到【雅吾瓦】与亚伯兰立约国度及后裔之约时是2022年,亚伯兰100岁生以撒时,国度及后裔之约已经有25年,以撒60岁生雅各 ,雅各130岁下埃及,
创Gen 45:6 For these two years have the famine been in the land: and yet there are still five more years, in which there shall
be neither plowing nor harvest.
创Gen 45:6现在这地的饥荒已经二年了,还有五年不能耕种,不能收成。 5年不能更种….开始耕种,此时已经来到2242年,
从亚当起,到【雅吾瓦】与亚伯兰立约国度及后裔之约时是2022年,亚伯兰100岁生以撒时,国度及后裔之约已经有25年,以撒60岁生雅各 ,雅各130岁下埃及,5年不能耕种
雅煞Jasher 81:3 And the sojourning of the children of Israel, who dwelt in the
land of Egypt in hard labor, was two hundred and ten years.
雅煞Jasher 81:3以色列人寄居在埃及的土地上辛勤劳作, 是210年。
雅煞Jasher 81:4 And at the end of two hundred and ten years, YaHuWaH brought
forth the children of Israel from Egypt with a strong hand.
雅煞Jasher 81:4在210年末, 【雅吾瓦】用大能的手把以色列的儿女从埃及领出来。
从亚当起,到【雅吾瓦】与亚伯兰立约国度及后裔之约时是2022年,亚伯兰100岁生以撒时,国度及后裔之约已经有25年,以撒60岁生雅各 ,雅各130岁下埃及,5年不能耕种,以色列人寄居在埃及的土地上辛勤劳作, 是210年。
出Exo12:41 And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty
years, even on the very same day of their entry, it came to pass, that all the
divisions of vuvh went out from the land of Mitzrayim.
加拉太书Gal 3:17 And this I say, that the Brit, that was confirmed by YaHuWaH through Moshiach, the Torah, that
came four hundred and thirty years later, cannot
nullify the Avrahamic brit, so that it should make the promise of no effect.
加拉太书Gal 3:17 我是这么说:【雅吾瓦】預先所立的約,不能被那四百三十年以后的律法废掉,叫应许归于虚空。
禧年书Jubilees 50:4 Wherefore I have ordained for you the year-weeks and the years
and the jubilees: there are forty-nine jubilees from the days of Adam
until this day, [2452A.M.] and first week and two years: and there are yet forty (40)years to come (lit.distant') for learning the commandments of YaHuWaH, until they pass over into the land
of Canaan, crossing the Jordan to the west.
禧年书Jubilees 50:4因为这个缘故,我为你们定了七年、年和禧年。从亚当到今日,总共经过了四十九个禧年又一个七年零两年(50*49=2450+2=2452,西奈山顶)。看下图:
出Exo12:41 And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty
years, even on the very same day of their entry, it came to pass, that all the
divisions of vuvh went out from the land of Mitzrayim.
出Exo 12:41正满了四百三十年的那一天,【雅吾瓦】的军队都从埃及地出来了。
创Gen 12:1 【雅吾瓦】對亚伯兰說:"你要離開本地、本族、父家,往我所要指示你的地去。
创Gen 12:2 我必叫你成為大國。我必賜福給你,叫你的名為大,你也要叫別人得福。
创Gen 12:3 為你祝福的,我必賜福與他;那咒詛你的,我必咒詛他。地上的萬族都要因你得福。
创Gen 12:4 亚伯兰就照著【雅吾瓦】的吩咐去了,羅得也和他同去。亚伯兰出哈兰的時候年七十五歲。
从亚当起到,【雅吾瓦】与亚伯兰立约国度及后裔之约,亚伯兰75岁时,时间来到 2022年,看上图第一列,
亚伯兰100岁生以撒,时间来到 2022+25=2047年,
以撒60岁生雅各,时间来到 2047+60=2107年
创Gen 45:6 For these two years have the famine been in the land: and yet there are still five more years, in which there shall
be neither plowing nor harvest.
创Gen 45:6现在这地的饥荒已经二年了,还有五年不能耕种,不能收成。
雅煞Jasher 81:3以色列人寄居在埃及的土地上辛勤劳作, 是210年。81:3 And the sojourning of the children of Israel, who dwelt in the
land of Egypt in hard labor, was two hundred and ten years.
雅煞Jasher 81:3以色列人寄居在埃及的土地上辛勤劳作, 是210年。
雅煞Jasher 81:4 And at the end of two hundred and ten years, YaHuWaH brought forth the children of Israel
from Egypt with a strong hand.
雅煞Jasher 81:4在210年末, 【雅吾瓦】用大能的手把以色列的儿女从埃及领出来。
禧年书Jubilees 50:4 Wherefore I have ordained for you the year-weeks and the years
and the jubilees: there are forty-nine jubilees from the days of Adam
until this day, [2452A.M.] and first week and two years: and there are yet forty (40)years to come (lit.distant') for learning the commandments of YaHuWaH, until they pass over into the land
of Canaan, crossing the Jordan to the west.
禧年书Jubilees 50:4节从亚当到西奈山顶,过了49个禧年又两年,
It Is All About The Covenant With YAHUWAH ALOAHIYM Through YAHUSHUA The MESSIAH
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